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kiasusam 01-04-2017 09:17 PM

Impregnated by Vampire
Here I share with you my collection of erotic stories in my keeps. Also can be found at

The contents is 100℅ not from me, but just added some local flavours to enhance the story.

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. All fictional characters are of 18 years of age or older and consenting adults.

The following story contains mature themes, strong language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.


The Excitement Continues from previous thread "Dating a Vampire 2"

Adventures continues here......


I stared at the ceiling of our bedroom, waiting. I mentally traced every raised section of the textured walls, making images out of the patterns, where there really wasn’t any. Anything to distract my mind. Anything to stop myself from wondering how Teren was doing, if he was feeling any better. That last horrid image of him covered in blood wouldn’t leave me. Several of the patterns on the walls reminded me of the pool of red liquid we’d been huddled in. God, I hoped he was okay.

As I shifted for the thousandth time in the too quiet room, I finally heard the door crack open. It was late, several hours past the time everyone had called it a night, and the hallway behind him was dark. His eyes glowed at me until he walked into our dimly lit room. I sucked in a sharp breath when I saw him.

He softly closed the door and stood beside it, letting me take him in. He looked like something straight out of a Steven King novel - splotches of dried or drying blood covered him, his jeans and shirt saturated with it. His face had deep red smears and smudges, both from the act of being sick and my bloody hands caressing him. He stood slightly hunched and his face looked worn, close to exhaustion, if not already there. His pale blue eyes were slightly unfocused as he looked at me, but a small smile was on his lips.

“Hey,” he whispered hoarsely.

My eyes instantly watered at the sight of him and I flew out of that bed to throw my arms around him. My forcefulness made him stumble back a step, and I choked back a sob at how frail he seemed. His arms swept around me securely though, as he held me tightly.

“Teren, what were you thinking?” I murmured in his ear.

He didn’t answer, only softly stroked my back. I pulled away, my hands going to his blood smeared cheeks, cupping them and searching his eyes. He tilted his head and gave me another small smile. Hating the evidence of his painful night all over him, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. He willingly followed, his feet shuffling heavily on the padded carpet, as he forced his body to move.

I closed the door behind us, not really expecting any distractions, but playing it safe anyway. He watched me, almost blankly, and I thought only sheer will power kept him standing. I came back to him and gently swept his shirt over his head. His chest was smeared with dried blood from where the wet shirt had stuck to his skin. Some sections of the shirt were still wet, and I threw it in the corner of the recently cleaned bathroom. Bringing my eyes back to his chest, I bit my lip and felt mine start to water. His fingers came to my chin, lifting my gaze to his. “I’m fine, Emma.” He shrugged in a tired, but casual manner. “Just a little…discomfort, but it’s gone now.” He smiled softly again.

My mouth dropped open as the sounds of his muffled screams earlier filled my ears again. A little discomfort? I shook my head. “You didn’t have to do that,” I whispered, my voice sounding loud to me in the quiet room.

His fingers, still tainted red, brushed over my cheek and he tilted his head as he regarded me. “Yes, I did. We couldn’t have all walked out on dinner with your family, especially Mom and me. We had to appear normal.”

My hand grabbed his hand, flattening his cool fingers to my cheek. “No, none of you should have had to do that.” I shook my head again as I stepped into him, bringing my warm arms around his cool body, wanting him to feel the comforting heat I provided. Looking up at him, I bit my lip. “We could have gone somewhere else, or eloped. I was so selfish to ask for this.”

He immediately grabbed my cheeks, shaking his head. “No, Emma. We wanted this. We all wanted to give you this.”A warm smile lit his tired face. “You deserve a normal family dinner. I wanted to give you that, we all did. We crave normalcy too.” His eyes stared intently into mine. “And we want to give you a normal wedding experience.”

I sighed and then cocked an eyebrow at him, rubbing a smidge of dried blood off his chin pointedly. He grinned crookedly and shook his head. “Well, as normal as we can give you.” He shrugged and then looking too tired to keep standing, sat on the edge of the tub.

I watched him sitting, looking up at me with a content face, and sighed again. Turning from him, I stepped over to the shower and turned on one of the dual heads. Under the sound of the water, I again said, “You didn’t have to do that.”

As I turned back to him, he smiled, and I knew he’d heard me. He didn’t comment though, only slipped his stained shoes off. I helped him remove the rest of his clothes and then helped him get in the shower. It felt a little odd to help him, when he was usually the supernaturally strong one, but the evening had sapped a lot of that strength, and as he sagged against the shower wall, I slipped my pajamas off and hopped inside, to continue helping him.

He laid his head back against the wall, his eyes closed and his usually nearly tanned face pale. The spray of water hit his chest, droplets landing on his face and mine, the dried blood starting to break apart and run like rivulets down his body. I shook my head at the red streams and grabbed some soap, determined to see that bloody mess gone. He exhaled contently as I worked the soap into a lather and spread the bubbles over his chest, pausing, to scrub harder in the more concentrated areas. The bubbles forming on his body turned pink from all of the blood, and the water streaming around us went through various spectrums of the shade.

Noting the haggard look on his face and the shallow way he was breathing as I scrubbed his cheeks, I lifted a corner of my lip and wryly said, “You finally look hung-over.”

He cracked an eye at that and smiled. His eyes glanced down my naked body once, before closing again. “Totally worth it,” he muttered.

I ran some soap in his hair, watching my fingers turn pink as the dried blood in the blackness came clean. “I don’t see how anything could have been worth that,” I muttered.

Hearing me, he opened his eyes again. His hands came up to my hips, pulling me into him. “You’re worth it. You’re worth anything.”

I sighed at my pinkly suds-up fiancé, and laced my arms around his neck. I ran my fingers back through his wet hair and just took a moment to appreciate him. For me, he and the women had willingly done something that they knew would cause them intense pain. And as Halina had explained, while cleaning up the bloody mess he’d left, Teren had made the situation worse, by allowing the nearly toxic food to stay in his system much longer than was necessary, or healthy. She’d explained that anything but blood in their system now had a nearly acidic effect on them, and what Teren had done had literally eaten holes in his body. If it weren’t for his super healing ability, it would have killed him. Sort of brought new meaning to the word allergic. Well, I guess we had a viable excuse for him to not ever eat out with us again – extreme food allergies.

I smiled and shook my head, kissing him softly and resting my wet head against his. His hand came up to grab some suds on his chest and teasingly, he plopped them on my hair. I laughed and he smiled, then closed his eyes again, too tired to keep them open.

kiasusam 01-04-2017 09:19 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
While he continued to lean against the wall for support, I cleaned the rest of him, paying close attention to his fingers, ears and neck, anywhere where blood would pool, and be visible to someone else. When he was sparkly clean, I shut the water off and helped to dry him.

Looking half asleep on his feet, we crawled into our oversized bed, naked. His lukewarm from the shower body wrapped around me, and his head dropped down to rest in the crook of my neck. He sighed contently and buried himself further into me. I cradled his head, kissing him softly, before shutting off the lamp and closing my eyes.

Before sleep took me, I started replaying the evening, again marveling at what he’d done for me. As I smiled and stroked fingers down his back, I whispered, “Thank you.”

Thinking he was already asleep, I was a little surprised to hear him murmur, “You’re welcome,” into my skin.

I hugged him tighter and then a thought struck me. “When did you guys realise you’d have to do this?”

His body stiffened and I adjusted myself to look at him. Cautiously lifting his head to look at me, apprehension was clear on his face. I furrowed my brow at seeing it. He sighed a cool breath and then closed his eyes for a second, before meeting my gaze. “We’ve always known this would happen this weekend, Emma.” He shrugged. “We’ve been preparing, since you first said you wanted it here.”

Horror and guilt went straight though me. I pushed him away and brought my hands to my mouth. “Why didn’t anyone…?” I couldn’t even finish the thought, but Teren understood.

His hands came to my face, lowering mine. “We didn’t want you to worry about us. We knew we’d be fine…once it was over.”

I shook my head, tears forming again. “We could have gone somewhere else. We could have gotten married at a courthouse, Teren.”

He stopped my sputtering with his lips. When I was calmer, he muttered, “This is what you wanted, what you deserved to have. Our…problems were manageable.”

I stared at him, speechless. Then irritation flared in me, like it does sometimes, when I’m really worried. “You could have given me a heads up! I could have been told what would happen, instead of finding you covered in blood and not knowing why!” My tone got especially heated on the end as I replayed my fear.

He blanched and looked guilty again. “You’re right…I’m sorry.” He shook his head on his pillow, his fingers coming up to move a strand of hair behind my ear. “I just didn’t want to you to worry…and I honestly didn’t know it would be that bad. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

I hugged him tight after he said that, my temporary anger gone. “You did, Teren. You terrified me.”

He murmured that he was sorry again, his voice thick with the need to sleep, and I hugged him tightly, needing him close, even if he was slipping from consciousness. When I again was sure he was asleep, I playfully muttered, “I wonder why Halina got to be the lucky one? You guys draw straws or something?”

He chuckled in my arms, still awake. “No, she just wouldn’t have been able to tolerate it like us, so it wasn’t an option for her.” I pulled back, surprise in my face.

He looked over my expression, his eyes lighting the distance between us in the dark room. He shrugged. “The side affect of food is less severe for us than for her. Her full vampire body doesn’t react…as well.”

My mouth dropped open at that. As well? I didn’t think him spouting blood all over the bathroom floor was exactly “well”. It was worse for Halina? How much worse could it get? He sighed, taking in my stricken face, and shrugged again. “She probably would have lost it at the table.”

I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. Yes…that would have been worse.

Teren was still asleep when I woke up the next morning. He looked better, as I watched the sunlight flash on his dark hair. His face didn’t look so pale anymore and he didn’t have any circles under his eyes anymore. No sign of fatigue was with him at all as he slept beside me. I shifted on my side to watch him, suddenly realising that this was the last morning I’d wake up beside my boyfriend. Tomorrow morning, he’d be my husband.

He was a stone still sleeper: no fidgeting, no fussing, no snoring. Looking at him closer as he laid on his stomach, his head angled towards me, I realised he wasn’t even breathing. Curious, I put my hand in front of his face. Nope, nothing. No breath at all. It was eerie, and too reminiscent of when he’d died, and I pulled my hand away.

“What are you doing?” he muttered, his eyes still closed.

I laughed and ran a hand through his hair. A smile cracked his face, the still look finally leaving him as he woke up. “Just seeing if you were alive.” I giggled at my own joke and he peeked up at me, his pale eyes amused.


I giggled again and sat up on my elbow. “I just never noticed that you don’t breathe when you sleep.” I shrugged. “It’s kind of creepy.”

He stirred, inhaling a deep breath, obviously just for show, and then stretched out before propping himself up on his elbow, facing me. “That is just what every man wants to hear on his wedding day.” He grinned crookedly at me and leaned in.

I obliged him, and leaned in to meet him, pressing my lips to his. His slight warmth from his shower last night had worn off, and he was cool again. I tried to not think about that awful moment, of finding him in a pool of his own blood, and I instead focused on the miraculous things he could do with his mouth. He scooted closer to me as I let my memories fade, until his cool body was along the length of mine under the sheets. His hand reached out to pull my elbow out from under me and I gasped as I fell back to the bed. He was on top of me in a flash, still kissing me intently, purposefully.

Gently pushing him back, I playfully muttered, “What do you think you’re doing?”

His hands slid over my body as his mouth shifted to my ear. “I really thought you’d have that figured out by now.”

I laughed huskily and pushed him away when his mouth drifted back to mine. “We can’t have sex before we get married, Teren.”

He pulled back, looking normal and healthy, and…incredulous. His hand rested on my stomach and he gently squeezed while cocking an eyebrow. “Really?” His voice matched his disbelieving eyes and I clearly got the implication – ‘what does it matter, if I’ve already knocked you up?’

I laughed and shifted my body out from under his. Standing, I stole the sheet and demurely wrapped it around myself. He frowned at me and made no move to shield his bare body with the remaining covers. I bit my lip as I took in the sight of him, but made my body stay where it was. “Yes, really. We may have done things backwards, but we’ll at least do the wedding night the right way.

kiasusam 01-04-2017 09:21 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
I sat down on the edge of the bed and he finally softly smiled and scooted over to me, covering himself in the process. “Alright, love.” He said, after kissing my cheek.

He looped a lock of hair behind my ear, and I again thought of being this man’s wife. Immediately after that thought, the image of him in blood returned to me. I frowned, wishing I could keep that one away. He frowned too, and I tried to fix my face back to happiness. He’d seen it though. “What’s wrong?” His knuckle stroked my cheek as he looked over my face.

I could feel my eyes water as I gazed at him, and hated that I was nearly crying already. “I’m just glad you’re okay,” I whispered.

He sighed and pulled me to him. “I’m sorry I worried you. I’m fine…we’re all fine.” He pulled us down into the bed, lying on his back and wrapping me securely to his chest. I heard my heart through his body and made myself believe it was his.

My worries left me as peace flooded me. He held me for what felt like an eternity. It probably would have lasted for an eternity too, except he cocked his head and then started chuckling, covering his body more securely with the bedding between us. I raised my head, curious, but he only grinned and shook his head.

Just as I was going to ask him what was going on, our door busted open. I gasped in surprise and clutched the sheet wrapped around me even tighter as Tracey and Ashley bounded into our bedroom. Teren didn’t even flinch, and I had to assume he’d either heard them coming.

Feeling every spot of skin on me heating, I sat up and glared at the two of them. “We could have been having sex, you guys!”

Ashley blushed and giggled, looking away, but Tracey pouted and looked at Teren like he’d completely let her down. “I know,” she muttered gloomily, and I thought that she’d actually been hoping for that. Teren laughed at the look on her face and snuggled farther into the bed, slipping his arms under his head. I was pretty sure he wouldn’t have let us get caught like that, not with those super ears of his, although, sometimes he did get a little…lost in the moment.

“Good morning, girls,” he said brightly, looking completely relaxed and comfortable, even though I knew he was probably a touch embarrassed, and if his skin could still do it, he’d probably be blushing slightly.

Ashley giggled and greeted him and Tracey gave him a sly grin, probably picturing the thick quilt over the top of him being gone. I rolled my eyes, kind of wanting to smack her, but then she grabbed my hand and helped me pick out some clothes for my big day, while Ashley sat down on the bed.

Teren and Ashley watched me get dressed under the sheet, managing to slip my clothes on without ever revealing my naked body (an art form that really, only girls have mastered) and then Ashley turned to Teren on the bed.

“Are you feeling better?” she politely asked him.

I caught the curiosity in her voice, she had to be wondering what could possibly make a vampire not feel well, but Tracey didn’t seem to catch it, asking Teren before he could answer Ashley, “Yeah, you getting cold feet or something?”

I inadvertently laughed – Teren’s feet were actually very cold – and he shook his head at me and Tracey before answering my sister, his tone just as polite as hers had been, “I feel much better, thank you.”

When I was dressed, I leaned over him, kissing him firmly, before I had to leave him for the afternoon. Finally, a giggling Tracey and Ashley pulled me off of him. All of us laughing as they held me back, I playfully told him, “I guess I’ll see you later. Don’t be late.”

He grinned and shook his head as the girls literally pulled me through the door. Once in the hallway, I heard him respond with, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Several steps down the hall, the giggling girls finally let go of my arms, seemingly assured that I wouldn’t rush back into that gorgeous, naked man’s arms. I was tempted to do just that, but laughing along with them, I let them drag me down the gracefully curving dual staircase to the kitchen.

Holding hands with my two best human friends, we came across my two moms. My plump mother was humming to herself as she scrambled a pan of eggs on a ceramic burner. Her grin was a wide one as she worked, and her brown eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. I shook my head, thinking my mom was in hog heaven here. My second mother, Alanna, was frying up a batch of bacon, the maple smell mixed with the telltale hiss of frying grease, making my mouth water. I prayed my stomach stayed down today.

Alanna looked up a second after my mother, and they both nearly greeted me in unison, “Good morning, Emma.”

Feeling giddy and anxious and eager for today, I giggled as I sat on a stool at the center island. Ashley and Tracey each sat on stools beside me, the chairs creaking merrily as they twisted them back and forth experimentally.

“Good morning, everyone,” I said chipperly, sort of feeling like a Disney princess, especially since Tracey had made me put on my fuzzy white slippers with the word bride on the front of each in big, black script. She’d wanted to buy me the matching jacket too, but I’d put my foot down on that one.

Mom beamed at my enthusiasm, her eyes starting to mist already, and Alanna next to her gave me a warm greeting. I eyed her more carefully than I had my mom, to see if any of her lingering sickness was still with her. But her skin was the normal olive color it always was, her pale blue eyes showed only happiness, and her perfect, lineless face was only giving me a warm look of reassurance. I was sure that if I could have asked her how she was, she would have shaken her head and told me that she’d never felt better.

Just as I was about to ask her anyway, Tracey popped up beside me. “Teren’s got amazing Pecs, does he work out a lot?”

Ashley giggled into her palm while my mom gave Tracey a blank look, probably wondering when she’d seen Teren’s chest. I smacked Tracey across the arm as Alanna softly chuckled and studied the bacon she was cooking. Tracey made an offended noise and looked at me, confused. “What? I’m just saying…he’s deceptively defined.” She shrugged and ran a hand through her long, blonde locks. Her lip turned up into a wry grin. “That’s not a bad thing.”

Akemiru 01-04-2017 10:53 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
camping for more!

kiasusam 02-04-2017 08:37 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
I closed my eyes and shook my head, picturing Teren busting up laughing in our room right about now. There was just no way he hadn’t heard her. Alanna pretty much confirmed that for me, by glancing upstairs and smiling widely. Shaking her head, she went back to cooking her bacon. I shifted the conversation by asking what the plan was for today. Mom shook off her confusion at Tracey’s knowledge of Teren’s body (her absolutely correct knowledge), and started animatedly going over her plan to help Alanna prepare all of the food for the guests.

My jaw dropped at that. They were going to spend all day cooking for, at last count, 150 people? Alanna chuckled and assured me that most of the food was already prepared and in the freezer, they simply had to heat them up. They were going to spend today preparing the “finger foods” – cookies, dips, mini-sandwiches, and various forms of pastries. That not sounding like any fun to me, I wished her and Alanna well.

As the girls and I dug into the steaming plate of food Alanna set before us, I began to wonder how I’d pass the time today. The nervous energy in my body was only building, and the actual ceremony wasn’t until 7 o’clock at night, well after dark, so Halina and Imogen would have a chance to fully enjoy the festivities. As the still steaming eggs burnt my tongue with my excited food shoveling, I started to think that maybe I should find a more constructive way to taper off this feeling. Besides, I couldn’t spend all day eating. I did have a dress to fit into tonight. Unfortunately, the only other things I was coming up with, involved Teren’s aforementioned Pecs, and while that would be wildly entertaining for me, it sort of left the other members of my wedding party out.

As I finished my food way before anyone else, and had started in on my sister’s, Tracey came up with spending the day going out and getting mani/pedis and having our hair twisted into fabulously intricate up-dos. I didn’t really want to leave the ranch, but I was buzzing like a woman who’d just downed 6 shots of straight espresso, and with my mother emphatically agreeing that they’d get more done without me around, I was finally convinced to go get pampered. It was my day anyway, right?

Tracey thought it would be fabulously fun to not tell the boys we were leaving. I didn’t spoil her fun, by letting her know that Teren was well aware of everything we’d just talked about. She also thought it was great fun for me to leave my bride slippers on. I groaned dramatically, but secretly loved it. I wanted everyone to know that I was getting married today. Hell, I felt like announcing it on the radio, or interrupting the scheduled programming with breaking news. Something big – because that’s how I felt today, that something big was happening. Something big and wonderful…and eternal.

After the 7th hug and kiss, my mom practically shoved me out of the kitchen so she could get down to business with Alanna. While hugging Alanna, I did secretly ask her if she was okay, and she did tell me that she felt great. I knew she would say something like that, but at least by my asking, she knew that I’d been worried about her. And I had, I’d worried about them all.

Whispering a goodbye to Teren, the three of us girls scrambled into Alanna’s sleek sedan that she let us borrow. The car was black and luxurious, with cream leather seats that were so soft, you almost felt like you melted into them. Tracey ran her hand over the edges of the cushions and sighed as her head dropped back. “This is the life.” She rocked her head over to me. “Now I seriously wish I’d met Teren first.”

She winked at me, so I knew she was kidding (she was hopelessly in love with Hot Ben, after all), and I shook my head at her, suppressing a laugh. If she realised that the owners of all the fineries she was enjoying this weekend, no longer had heartbeats, she’d never come near this place again. Luxurious or not, Tracey wouldn’t deal with the idea of vampires being real very well.

As I drove us back into the city, I wondered if we’d even find a place to accommodate three of us on such short notice. Then Tracey pulled out her cell phone and speed dialed her salon. That clued me in that maybe it wouldn’t be a problem. 5 minutes later, we all had reservations at Bella Sole. I had to smile that the name of the salon meant Beautiful Sun. If they only knew the irony of them doing a vampire’s fiancé’s hair.

Tracey kept us occupied for hours. Time flew by as we were pampered - our toes painted in a girly shade of pink, our nails dipped and buffed and French manicured, and our hair curled into long spirals and twisted into elaborately done up-dos, except Ash, who had her hair curled, but left it down. Since only one side of her head would grow hair, I think she felt more secure having it the way she was used to having it. The salon girls seemed a little reluctant to touch her at first, but with more than a few tip encouragements from Tracey, they finally got over their unease at my sister’s startling appearance, and by the end, were treating her the same way they treated me.

After a late lunch at a small café close by, we grabbed coffees (and cocoa for me) and headed back to the ranch, eager to start dressing for the big event. Pulling up to the drive, we could see that a few guests had started to arrive, even though it was still hours away from the actual ceremony. Some people just really like weddings.

The girls pulled me into the guest room Ashley was using, giggling the entire way. We sat on the edge of the bed and talked about all the things girls talk about when they get together: catty girls at work, or at school in Ashley’s case, the current mystery running through our favorite television shows, the most unusual sexual requests, positions and/or places. I kept my mouth shut on that one, thinking that Tracey would not want to know the things my bloodsucker liked doing. While Tracey and Ashley gabbed and changed into their dresses, I started to wonder what my bloodsucker was up to.

I wasn’t sure how he’d spent his day, or how he was feeling now. I wondered if he was also feeling the anxious butterflies that were currently swarming around my stomach. A stomach that was also starting to veto the BLT I’d eaten at the café. Either that or Grande sized hot chocolate I’d just finished tilting back.

As Ash and Tracey adjusted the clingy, blood red fabric of their dresses, I put a hand on my stomach and exhaled slowly and carefully, hoping pure will power could convince my belly that everything was fine. It wasn’t working though. I closed my eyes as my stomach churned. I felt a bead of sweat on my professionally done makeup and bit my lip, knowing that that was the least of my concerns now. Clamping a hand over my mouth, I shot off the bed and ducked out the door, muttering “be right back” as I ran for a bathroom.

kiasusam 02-04-2017 08:40 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Running blindly down the hall, I began to wonder where the bathroom was on this side of this stupidly huge house. I ran into an open door that looked promising, and nearly groaned in frustration when I saw it was just another stupid bedroom. Then I noticed the cracked open bathroom door and exhaled in relief. I would have done the happy dance if I’d have had the time. I didn’t though. The only thing keeping down my lunch was the hand covering my mouth.

Dropping to my knees, I lost it right at the toilet. Knowing I was pretty much ruining my makeup, I couldn’t help a few tears from falling. I hated getting sick. When my body was empty, I sat back on my heels and rested my head on my arms over the seat. I felt myself sniffling, more tears forming, and not wanting to be alone in my discomfort anymore, I suddenly wished Teren was with me, and not out bonding with the boys somewhere.

As if on cue, cool arms soundlessly wrapped around me. I was pulled back into a muscular chest as the arms twisted me into a carrying position. As he stood, I sighed contently and wrapped my arms around his neck, just glad to have him near. He kissed my head and walked me back to the bedroom. I buried my face in his cool shirt, the smell of the outdoors filling me – water, grass, and nature - all with a light hint of his cologne underneath it. He was manly and wonderful, and his mere presence had a calming effect on my queasy stomach.

He laid me down on the bed and came up to lie beside me. I lolled my head over to look at him as he propped up on an elbow to watch over me, almost protectively. I smiled at the look of concern in his face. “You found me,” I whispered.

He half-grinned at me, a finger coming out to wipe off my smudged mascara. “I heard you,” he said softly, his smile shifting to a pout. “Are you alright?”

A small laugh escaped me at how trivial my sickness was, compared with what his had been. “I’m fine, Teren, really.” I shook my head, my smile feeling huge to me. “This is nothing at all.” My arms snuck out to clutch his body and I pulled him into me, like we were two magnets that couldn’t bear to be apart.

A small laugh escaped him as I clung to his body and then he sank down to the pillows and held me just as tight. “Good,” he murmured, his nose sliding along my neck. I shivered at the cool touch and felt him smile as he pressed his lips to a vein there. I had to imagine that vein was pulsing faster than normal. “Why did you run into this guest room anyway? There is a bathroom right by Ashley’s room at the other end of the hall.”

I lightly smacked his shoulder. “Because this house is too damn big, and I have no idea where everything is.” He chuckled and I pulled back to look at him, his pale eyes catching a flash of sunlight streaming through the window next to us. “Why were you in the house? I figured you boys would be off in the wilderness somewhere, hunting vicious trout.”

He laughed at my comment and bit his lip. “I’ve been feeling edgy, anxious. “ He gave me a sheepish grin. “I was scaring the fish away.” I laughed at that while he shrugged at me. “I thought I’d get something to eat, thought maybe that would calm me down.”
I raised my eyebrows at him, happy that he was feeling what I was feeling, but wanting to tease him some. “Oh, nervous?”
He smiled and shook his head. “No, excited.” He bit his lip and then leaned over to kiss me.

I relaxed into the feeling of that cool mouth on me, that glorious tongue sliding against mine, and let myself indulge in this man I was going to marry, just a few hours from now. My hands threaded up into his hair as he shifted his weight over my body. My fingers slid up his cool t-shirt as his hands palmed me through the outside of my button-up. I groaned and rocked against him as his lips moved down to my neck, that course stubble sending tiny waves of pleasure through me. As his tongue found the spot in the crook of my neck that he preferred, I pulled his hips directly over mine.

He groaned a little as he instinctually pressed against me. “You know cold cow’s blood won’t satisfy you right now,” I whispered in his ear. He growled low in his chest and pressed against me again in answer. I suppressed a moan, quickly inhaling my breath instead. He was ready for more than just a love bite, and I sort of was too. Breathily, I added, “You can snack on me, if you like?”

“I always like…” He rumbled a low growl again and the lips pressing heated kisses into my skin turned into the pinpricks of fangs, ready to plunge deep inside me. I gasped at the thought, but pushed him back.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

He blinked, his eyes full of passion and hunger, his fangs extended to drinking length, and his brows furrowed in puzzlement. “You said…”

I rolled my eyes and smacked his shoulder. “I’m getting married in a matter of hours.” I pointed to the glaringly obvious vein in my neck that he’d been about to puncture. “I don’t need to go down the aisle with a hickey.” Or circular fang wounds.

He looked down, embarrassed. “Oh, right.” He peered back up at me with just his eyes. “Then, where?”

The look of clear desire still on his face, made me feel supernaturally sexy, and with a quick glance to make sure the door was closed, I gently pushed him to the side of me and began slowly unbuttoning my white long-sleeved blouse. His breathing stopped as he lasciviously watched my fingers exposing my skin, button by slow button. When the shirt was completely opened, his breathing started again, heavier than before. With my newly perfect, French manicured nails, I drew a line straight down the middle of my chest. Stopping just above my bra, I grabbed a section of the cup and pulled it back, exposing the creamy skin on the top part of my breast, the part my bra and dress would easily cover.

“Here,” I whispered, my other hand reaching up to his neck and pulling him to me.

He exhaled a cool breath across my skin, his eyes closing just before contact, and then he sunk his teeth in, gently, tenderly, and yet at the same time, commandingly. I gasped at the tremor of pain, followed by the warm heat of my blood being pulled from me. His cool lips desensitizes the skin around the area, and the cool brush of his tongue soothed me, just as surely as it ignited me too. He made a purring noise, his hands clenching and unclenching my hips as he drank from me. I smiled. This was the last time he’d do this from his girlfriend. The next time, I’d be his wife.

I was in a euphoric, connected, peaceful state of mind, when everything suddenly took a drastic turn. Somewhere in my haze, I registered the one sound Teren and I really couldn’t afford to hear right now. The sound of a door rapidly swinging open.

“Teren, you in here?”

Hot Ben stepped into the room, closing the door softly behind him, just as Teren and I both shifted to look. Teren’s super abilities hadn’t registered that Ben was opening the door, until it was too late; he did sometimes get caught up in the moment when we were like this. And we’d definitely just been caught. My mouth dropped a mile wide and my whole body tensed, as Teren lifted his head to stare at Ben, his mouth also wide open in startlement. In the brightly lit room, the blood on Teren’s tongue and dripping down his chin was startling. As were the all too apparent fangs.

kiasusam 02-04-2017 08:43 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Ben, at first, didn’t notice. “Oh, hey, sorry guys. Trace said she saw Teren go in here, but I didn’t…know you…were both…” His voice trailed off as what he was seeing started clicking together in his mind. I could almost hear the gorgeous boy’s thoughts out loud – Oh, I caught them almost screwing, cool. Wait, why is there blood on Emma’s chest? Wait, why is there blood on Teren’s mouth…and holy shit, are those… fangs?

Teren inhaled sharply as the realisation of what had just happened struck him. His teeth immediately retracted with his breath. Ben’s eyes widened and he scrambled to open the door. “How did you…? OMG.” He managed to open it in his fumbling, but it was quickly slammed shut by Teren, who was instantly standing at Ben’s side holding shut the door.

Hot Ben stepped away from him, like he had the plague. “How did you…?” he said again, clearly confused by Teren’s speedy abilities. “Stay back,” he muttered as he bumped into a dresser.

I sat up, pulling my shirt tight to my body, knowing that my white bra and shirt were now bloodstained; Teren hadn’t had time to close the wounds. “Its okay, Ben.”

Ben looked at me, nearly frantic. “Run, Emma, I’ll hold him off.”

I smiled softly, warmed that Hot Ben was willing to take on a vampire for me, and shook my head again. Teren answered Ben before I could start to. Walking toward him with a hand outstretched, like Ben was a terrified dog who might bite him, Teren calmly said, “I can explain. Please…calm down.”

Ben tittered, sounding on the verge of a panic attack as he nervously laughed. “Explain? You can explain your teeth…what the hell was that, Teren?” His eyes shifted to mine. “What the hell were you doing to her?”

Teren cocked his head, looking flustered and embarrassed, not to mention scared that he’d just lost the closest thing to a friend that he had. While he floundered for something to say, I said, “He was hungry, I told him he could bite me.” Still clutching my shirt, I walked over to Teren’s side, putting my other hand on his arm. Teren looked back at me, sadness in his pale eyes.

Ben looked between the two of us, like we were both mad. His eyes darted to the door behind us and I could nearly see him calculating the odds of getting around both of us lunatics. I sighed and wondered when the screaming would start. Ben opened his mouth a few times, running a hand through his blonde highlights. “Bite you? Hungry? He’s what…? A…a…”

“Vampire,” Teren calmly stated, raising his chin a little.

Ben snorted, looked at us disbelieving, and then swallowed nervously. “You guys are nuts. I’m gone.” He moved then, edging around me to get to the door, but Teren moved to block it. Ben pushed him out of the way. Well, he tried to. I could see that he put a lot of strength into the move, but if Teren didn’t want to move, no human could make him.

“Let me go,” he said through clenched teeth, looking like he was torn between cowering, and peeing in his pants, or fighting back, and using some of his kick-boxing skills on Teren. I didn’t know how to tell him that neither response would help him escape.

“He’s not going to hurt you, Ben,” I said quietly behind him.

Ben flicked a glance back at me, panic and fear only making him more attractive. “Then tell him to let me go.” He twisted to me, grabbing my arms painfully in his fright. “Don’t let him kill me.” I heard Teren sigh behind him, and start to say his name, but my shirt had fallen open when Ben jarred my hands free and my blood-soaked bra elicited a harsh reaction from an already freaked out Ben. He inhaled in sharp pulls and his tight-to-begin-with fingers, dug in even tighter. I cried out and hunched over as the pain shot through both my arms.

That was all Teren needed.

He shoved Ben off of me. And when Teren wanted a human to move, that human moved. Ben flew to the other side of the room, smacking into a wall and sinking down into a slump. He slowly raised his head and Teren was instantly standing right in front of him, bent into an aggressive crouch, a low growl coming from his chest. Ben shied away from him and I hurriedly ran over to the pair, putting a hand on Teren’s back.

I knew the reason for Teren’s overreaction, but poor Hot Ben would never understand. Teren had helplessly watched me be brutally attacked before, and had vowed to never let that happen again. While Ben wasn’t exactly harming me like our maniac captor had, the instinct to defend me was still the same. Teren would never let anyone harm me again, even a friend.

I rubbed soothing circles into Teren’s back, urging him to calm down. He looked at me, his fangs extended and a mean sneer still on his face. Seeing my concerned face, his entire body relaxed. Closing his eyes, he sighed and lightly shook his head. When he opened them again, he was calm again, his fangs hidden away. With a sheepish face, he turned to Ben and extended a hand. “Sorry, man. I get a little…protective of her. I didn’t mean to do that.” I squeezed Teren’s arm while he extended his hand farther to Ben. “I really wish you hadn’t walked in here.”

Ben stared at his hand, like it might ram through his chest at any second. Looking terrified, he whimpered, “Are you going to eat me now?”

Teren retracted his hand when it was obvious Hot Ben wasn’t going to touch him. Rolling his eyes, a small laugh escaped him. “Yeah, Ben, I’m gonna drain you dry.”

His tone was incredibly sarcastic, but I elbowed him in the ribs anyway. Ben didn’t catch the teasing note in Teren’s voice and looked about to be sick. “Oh god…”
I sighed and squatted in front of him, putting my hands on his shoulders. “He’s joking, Ben. He’s not going to kill you.” I rolled my eyes and threw a glare at Teren over my shoulder.

Teren sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m still the same person, Ben. I’m still the same smartass that goes fishing with you, and jokes with you about Tracey’s shoe fetish.” His hands patted his chest as his brows scrunched in hopelessness. “I’m still me. This is just a part of…me, but it doesn’t change my character. I’m still the same guy that you know. Am I a killer?”

Ben grudgingly looked over my shoulder at him. Inhaling a calming breath, he kept his gaze locked on Teren’s. I could practically see the courage building in him, as he considered all the times that Teren could have killed him, if he’d really wanted to. He obviously hadn’t, Ben was still a breathing human being, so maybe he was piecing it together that being a vampire, didn’t automatically make you bad.

With a shake of his head and a much clearer voice he said, “You’re…a vampire.”

Teren extended his hand to Ben again, his face nearly begging Ben to take it. “Yes…and I’d never kill you.”

kiasusam 02-04-2017 08:45 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Ben eyed him for long moments as I moved away from the two friends. Finally, Ben nodded and took his hand. Ben stared at that hand while Teren effortlessly pulled him up. “I really am sorry about flinging you into a wall,” Teren said sheepishly.

Ben didn’t respond to that, just kept staring at Teren’s hand after they separated. Finally he pointed at it. “Is that why you’re always so cold?” Teren shrugged and nodded. Ben ran a hand down his face as he slowly shook his head back and forth. “I can’t believe this.” He looked over at me, slowly buttoning back up my shirt. “And you’ve known about this?”

I bit my lip and then nodded. “From nearly day one.” I walked over to Teren and grabbed his hand, lacing our fingers together and gazing up at him adoringly. He looked back at me, adoration clear on his face too, although, I could see the worry in there. He’d really loved his time with Hot Ben. I looked back to Ben, my voice as confident as my gaze. “Believe me, when I say that you don’t have to worry about him hurting you…or me…or any human.” I shrugged as Ben’s mouth dropped open a little. “He doesn’t eat people.”

Ben’s still startled face shifted to take in the embarrassing stain right over my breast. Damn, I’d really liked this shirt too. Teren followed his gaze and coughed once, a little embarrassed. “Um, that wasn’t really eating…” He looked back at Ben, a devilish half-smile on his face. “That was more…foreplay.”

Ben’s eyes widened again and then he shook his head, running both hands down his face and then back through his hair. He seemed a little confused as to how drawing blood could possibly be erotic. Oh, if he only knew…

Teren put a hand on Ben’s shoulder and Ben looked up at him, his beautiful face an odd combination of horror and wonder. As I thought of his panicked reaction, I started remembering my own initial reaction. Teren had always said I was rare. As I watched Ben’s eyes slightly widen as they focused on where Teren was touching him, and I remembered Teren telling me that nearly every other girl he’d ever told, had had much the same reaction as Ben, I came to appreciate just how rare and odd my initial reaction had been. And what a relief that must have been to Teren. I squeezed his hand tighter.

In a soothing voice, Teren spoke to Ben, as one would a person going through shock. “Ben, I know this is hard to take in and I’ll admit, having you know about this, would make our friendship so much easier…” he shook his head, a heavy sadness in his eyes, “but, if this freaks you out too much, you don’t need to remember it.” He shrugged on the end of that and looked resigned that, either way, things would be different. And I suppose they would. Ben would either remember, and have to come to terms with Teren’s reality, or he’d have his mind wiped, and Teren would have to deal with the fact that his best friend couldn’t accept him for what he really was. I squeezed his hand even tighter and he lightly squeezed back.

He dropped his hand from Ben’s shoulder as Ben gave him a blank look. “What do you mean?” Ben backed up a step, like Teren was about to do something. “What are you gonna do to me?”

Teren sighed, cocking his head and muttering something under his breath. I wondered what, but figured he was probably speaking to his family. They had to know what was going on. Well, maybe not Halina, since she was probably still sleeping. Teren sighed again before answering him. “I won’t do anything… but when Halina wakes up-”

“Halina?” Ben interrupted, his eyebrows furrowing into perfectly attractive points. “Your step-mom’s hot sister?” Teren started to speak, but I could see the light go off in Ben’s brain as his eyes widened and his mouth dropped. “Oh, god…she’s one too.” He cocked his head at Teren. “Did you turn her?” His eyes hardened just a bit at that, like, if Teren said yes, then he was going to kick his ass. I bit my lip to stop the inappropriate laughter that was bubbling inside of me.

Teren gave him a half-smile and shook his head. “No, actually, she’s my great-grandmother, and she’s the one that…spawned all of us.” Teren chuckled lightly then and I couldn’t help but match him.

Ben gaped at us. “All of…” His mouth dropped open further as more lights clicked on. “Oh god, they’re all…the whole family?”

Teren shook his head, still chuckling. “No…my dad is human.”

Ben looked pale, and I released Teren to help him sit on the bed, sitting beside him and stroking his broad back soothingly. Ben ran his hands through his hair repeatedly, before slumping his head in his hands over his knees. “All of them…” He looked up at Teren. “It’s all a lie?” His face looked incredulous, and a little hurt.

Teren sat on the other side of him, careful to keep his distance. “Yes. But you can understand why we have to, right?”

Ben nodded woodenly, still looking lost in thought. He stared at his knees for a moment before looking over at Teren again. “Then, Alanna…?”

Teren smiled widely for the first time since this little fiasco. “Is my mother, my birth mother.”

Ben looked incredulous again. “Vampires can have children?” I giggled, my hand going to my stomach reflexively. Ben caught the movement and blushed, realising that of course they can, since I was expecting. It wasn’t that simple, but Ben didn’t need to know all the gory details. “Oh,” he muttered, looking between my stomach and Teren.

kiasusam 02-04-2017 08:48 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Teren beamed at me, not feeling the need to explain all the facts to Ben either. Ben watched our little love fest for a minute, and then turned to me. “Aren’t you worried that they’ll,” he flung his hands at my stomach and shrugged, “you know?”

I cocked my head, completely confused. “That they’ll what?”

Ben flushed and shrugged again. “Eat you…from the inside.”

His face grimaced at the thought. Mine did too, and at the same time that my hand came around and smacked him harshly in the chest. “God, Ben! Ew!” I smacked him again as he cringed away from me and Teren chuckled.

Trying to defend himself, Ben muttered, “Hey, I’m just saying, there has to be blood and stuff in there and what if they get hungry and you know…”

I smacked him again, really putting my comparatively frail human strength behind it. Ben made pained noises as he tried to block my hits. “God! No! They are just babies. There will be no blood swilling in the womb. Ew!” I smacked him again as Teren full on laughed.

Ben finally managed to stop me from clobbering him and apologized, throwing a, “she’s worse than you,” to Teren, which made him laugh even harder. As I watched the exchange, I thought about what he’d just said and whispered to Teren, “That won’t happen, right?”

Hot Ben was busy rubbing his arm from where I’d fisted him and hadn’t heard me, but Teren had, and gave me a ‘really’ face before rolling his eyes and shaking his head, no. I smiled and relaxed. That’s what I’d thought anyway.

When the laughter died down, Ben looked back at Teren and silently stared at him, like he was seeing him for the first time. Finally, he shook his head and muttered, “I still can’t believe it. I mean, we’ve hung out during the day…we went camping for God’s sake.” He scrunched his brow. “I’ve seen you eat…lots of times. Are you sure you’re a vampire?”

Teren chuckled and then sighed, knowing he’d have to explain his special brand of vampirism. Taking a few minutes he went over his family line. When he was done, Ben looked even more confused. “So…you can eat, and be in the sun, and you were born, not created, so…you’re mainly human?”

Teren sighed. “No, not…anymore.”

Ben scrunched his face, his perfect features looking so puzzled, it was charming. “He died recently. Side effect of vampirism,” I said while Teren gave me a loving glance.

Ben’s mouth opened and he looked from me back to Teren. “Oh, sorry, man.” He gave Teren an odd, friendly pat on the arm, like I’d just said Teren’s dog had died, and not him.

Teren laughed at the move and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s not so bad.” I laughed at his causal answer to being a member of the walking dead, and Hot Ben shook his head, still stunned. I patted Ben’s back, hoping he’d choose to remember this conversation, for Teren’s sake.

As he was still piecing the puzzle together, he looked between the two of us and shook his head, yet again. “But…you ate last night?”

I stopped laughing as I thought of that. Teren did too, as his eyes locked to mine. A moment of shared sympathy passed between us and then Teren answered Ben’s question. “I…paid the price for that.”

Ben brought a hand to his chin, making a connection. “Oh, that’s why you were sick.” Teren nodded and Ben looked amazed. “You willingly got sick, to pass as human?”

I nodded, my eyes watering. “Yes, he did.” My hand stretched across Hot Ben to grab Teren’s knee and he laid his cool hand over mine, squeezing gently before releasing it.

As I pulled back, Ben watched our connection break, his face still speculative. “The club…the drinks?” He looked over at a suddenly sheepish Teren.

“I switched my full ones for your empty ones.” Teren shook his head, his eyes apologetic. “You never noticed.”

Ben suddenly laughed, his face relaxing. “God, I thought I’d suddenly become a lightweight.” Teren laughed with him and then, still studying his odd friend, Ben’s face turned serious again. “So, that’s your whole life? Playing a role, living a lie?”

Teren sighed, looking past him to me. “It feels like that sometimes.” He shrugged. “I wouldn’t if I had a choice. But this…isn’t a choice for me. It never was.” Ben sighed and put a hand on Teren’s shoulder. I nearly cried at the contact, so did Teren. His eyes watered a bit, as he watched Ben’s reaction carefully. “So, like I said, we have ways to make you forget, if you don’t want to remember this.” That last part came out in a whisper, and the moisture in his eyes got dangerously heavy.

Ben looked him over and then looked back at me. “I just…I need a minute to process this.” He looked back at Teren. “Do I have a minute?”

Teren nodded, smiling slightly. “Of course.”

Ben looked at each of us again and stood shakily. “I need to go lie down,” he muttered.

Teren nodded and stood with him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Ben looked back at him, not flinching at the contact. I took that as a promising sign. “You can’t tell Tracey, you can’t tell anyone.” He gave him a pointed look. “We’re trusting you.”

Ben swallowed and nodded. He took a step to the door then turned to look at me. “You’ve know about him from the beginning, Emma?” I smiled and nodded. Ben shook his head, amazement in his face. “Wow, you’re a strong person. I don’t think I could…” He let that trail off, as he looked back at Teren. My earlier hope that he’d be okay with it, faded a bit.

As he took a step towards the door, Teren called out to him. “Ben.” As he looked back, Teren continued. “Halina will make the choice for you, if she knows that you know. You can’t let her see that you know the truth.” Ben swallowed, looking a bit frightened again. He took another step towards the door when it seemed that Teren was finished. As he got to the handle, Teren spoke again. “I would really rather you make this choice for yourself, so please, be careful what you say…even alone. We have exceptionally good hearing.”

With his hand still clasping the metal lever of the door, he turned his bleach-blonde highlighted head back to Teren, a perfect brow cocked. “How good?”

Parashooter 02-04-2017 08:48 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Nice story bro :)

kiasusam 02-04-2017 08:50 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Teren smirked and took a step towards the door. Lowering his voice, he said, “Good enough to know that last night, Tracey asked you if you would…” Teren looked over at me and then took a step to Ben, whispering something in his ear.

Ben paled, his mouth dropping. “Jesus, Teren! We weren’t even in the same building as you.”

Teren raised an eyebrow. “I know…”

Ben paled more, his blue eyes as wide as lakes. “Oh, that means they all…”

Teren grinned and nodded and Ben shut his mouth, flushing with colour as he said, “God, I wish I’d known that earlier.” He cringed and shrugged. “Sorry.”

Teren laughed and patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ve heard worse.” Then Teren cringed and Ben let out a nervous laugh. Sighing at the both of us, Hot Ben shook his head and finally opened the door to leave. I was happy that he was at least not screaming at the top of his lungs. Muttering goodbye, he practically fled the room that had probably just changed his entire view on life.

I sighed and walked up to Teren, clasping his hand. He sighed and looked down on me. Not knowing what about that to comment on, I playfully said, “So…what did Tracey ask him?” I grinned and Teren grinned with me.

“You don’t want to know,” he whispered in my ear as he leaned down to kiss my cheek.

I sighed and rested my head against his shoulder. “Now what do we do, Teren?”

He sighed and rested his head against mine. “Now…we get married.”

To Be Continued on Next Chapter... ... ...

kiasusam 02-04-2017 08:59 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Relax time ¶¶¶

童顔美女のエッチな日常 水島にな
出演: 水島にな
カテゴリー: AV女優 ロリ系 中出し オナニー バイブ フェラチオ 生ハメ・生姦

Tag: Mizushima nina, vibe, Creampie, lolita, masturbation, cum inside, blowjob, blowjob, bareback

販売日: 2017-03-31
再生時間: 02:00:59

スタジオ: MUGEN エンターテイメント
シリーズ: KIRARI





UPLOADROCKET.NET tml tml tml tml tml tml tml tml

kiasusam 02-04-2017 12:36 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire

There are a lot of things that happen when you get married. The first of which, is having your friends and family dress you like you’re suddenly incapable of doing it yourself. After Teren escorted me from that fateful guest room, he took me back to Ashley’s room, where even I could hear the ruckus laughter emanating. The two girls inside were sipping on glasses of champagne, and doing last minute adjustments to their hair and makeup when we opened the door.

Tracey squealed when she saw Teren standing beside me, both giving him congratulations for the upcoming nuptials, and admonishing him for confiscating me for a quickie before the ceremony. Neither one of us wanting to explain what had just happened, we let her think that. Plus, Teren was shirtless, since I was wearing his t-shirt (I couldn’t have walked into that room with a blood-soaked boob now, could I? Not without squeals of a different kind). And as Teren had felt the need to escort me all of the way into Ashley’s room, claiming he was worried I’d get sick again, when really, I think he just needed the comfort of my presence, after the tension with Ben, sex was really our only cover story.

Teren took the commotion (and Tracey’s relentless teasing about the absence of my shirt) with an embarrassed grace. His eyes betraying the true worry he felt over recent events, he kissed me softly on the head and told me he’d see me at the altar. Those words passing his lips had a way of making me forget that a friend had discovered our secret. That was, until he left and I was attacked by Tracey. Having her fuss over me, while I discreetly slipped on a bra of Ashley’s (thank goodness we were nearly identical in more ways than one), reminded me that Hot Ben was no longer clueless Hot Ben. As Tracey stripped off my clothes, I hoped Ben wouldn’t break Teren’s heart.

The second thing about getting married, besides no one letting you do anything for yourself, is that you’re not allowed any freedom. Once I was in my white gown, I may as well have secured myself in heavy manacles, down in the deepest dungeon. True, it was the nicest dungeon on earth, but still, I wasn’t allowed to leave Ashley’s room. A prisoner in white satin and a crystal tiara. Only bathroom breaks were being allowed, and even those were monitored and supervised, the hallway cleared of outsiders like my friends were the secret service and I was some foreign dignitary.

I was allowed a few visitors to help me pass the time, mainly family, so really, just Mom and Alanna, so I had to watch the growing festivities through the window. Through my peephole into the real world, I could see one of the pastures near the front of the house, where Jack and Jack’s trusted hired hand, Peter Alton, were having guests park their cars. Some of the more uppity looking people did not looked pleased about walking through the mud to get to the house. I smiled, knowing their view of the ranch would change dramatically, once they got inside.

The time passed slowly, my nervous energy dissipating a little in my boredom, as I watched distant relatives and friends of friends walk through the muck to come view my wedding to a vampire. Mom and Ashley regaled me on tales of what such-and-such a cousin was wearing, and how the 40 year old ex of a far-off uncle had brought her twenty year old boyfriend. I laughed with them at their stories, and then the group of us started taking candid photographs.

Teren and I weren’t doing the traditional posed photos. We’d rather have everyone looking natural and causal, so we could remember people how they really looked. Like Teren had said, “Capture people in their natural environment.” As my friends and I snapped at least three dozen “natural” photos, and a couple risqué ones of me for Teren, it was finally time to face the music. The wedding march music, to be more precise.

That brings me to the last thing that happens at weddings. Your friends become your ability to stand up straight and walk upright, as your body becomes so overwhelmed with love and terror and excitement, that the very act of breathing becomes too difficult to do properly. With my entire body lightly shaking, the closest people in my life led me away, supporting me with their arms wrapped around my laced covered ones. We slowly walked down the hallway to a side door that led out back to the pool. Out back to where my vampire was dressed to the nines, and probably waiting just as anxiously as I was, only with every eye already on him. I gave a nervous titter at the thought of him all antsy out there. I really hoped Hot Ben was still standing beside him.

My nerves shot to near panic level when the door was opened and the sound of orchestral music, mixed with the smell of lit candles, filtered back to me with the swirling air wrapping around my body, the slightly colder air from the outside forcing back the warmer air from the inside. As my comforts started leaving me one-by-one to set the stage before me, I clasped on to my anchor, my lifeline - my mother.

Once Ashley and Tracey had left me, and mom and I were alone in the hallway, I turned to her, grasping her upper arms as icy terror flooded through me. “Mom, I can’t do this.”

She calmly looked me over, tears in her eyes as she gently stroked my cheek with her thumb. All she said was, “He loves you…and he’s waiting.”

A calm peace flowed through me. He loved me…and I loved him. That’s all that mattered. I nodded, a true smile breaking over my face as my mom and I hugged. I clung to her, to that last tie of my childhood that I was truly leaving behind, and felt the tears sting my eyes already.

I vaguely heard the music that was my cue, and vaguely heard my mother tearfully tell me that it was time as she handed me my bouquet of flowers. Grabbing them with one hand, I wrapped my other around her arm, pulling strength from the contact. Then she led me out those doors, and led me to my future.

kiasusam 02-04-2017 12:38 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
The rustle of people standing was what I noticed first. I couldn’t really see much, and I was supremely grateful that Mom wasn’t leaving my side, as tears hazed over my vision. I could make out the red of the carpet that was leading me to the white canopy, holding every person in this world I cared about. I felt the bodies standing around the outskirts of the tent, too many people inside to all fit well, and felt the heat of the outdoor lamps as we passed by them.

A whispering followed me wherever I went, and I could just make out the words - “beautiful”, “gorgeous”, “wonderful”. I tucked the praises away in my brain, storing them away for later days, when I knew I’d need the positive reinforcement. Then Mom and I were under the tent and my hazy vision turned crystallized. The tears in my eyes caught the twinkling lights strung everywhere underneath the canvas and expanded them to glowing snowflakes. The spectacular beauty of them stole my breath as we walked along that red carpet leading me to the altar.

Then the water in my eyes became too great to bear, and the heavy tears dropped to my cheeks. As they did, my vision cleared and Teren was the first thing I saw. Teren was the only thing I saw. I was positive more people were in the tent, I could still hear the whispering above the procession of the music, but I took no note of them. My soon-to-be husband was waiting, and with tears on his cheeks too as he smiled at me.

I held his pale gaze as more tears dropped off my cheeks, staining my dress. I didn’t care, I barely noticed. Mom brought me ever closer to him and my breath came faster with each step. He was mine, he was waiting. His smile was glorious as he stood in his jet-black tuxedo, matching his jet-black hair, his hands calmly clasped together in front of himself. He stood tall and straight, the sharp tux, with a button collar instead of a tie, and a silver vest peaking out underneath the jacket, emphasizing every enticing thing about him.

He was…perfect.

As my mother handed me off to him, something inside me changed as well. As his cool hand took mine, I felt something shift inside me, some instinct buried deep within me, something that told me that everything was going to be fine, because we were now in this together – for life. I’d never worried about Teren straying on me, not with what we meant to each other, but as his fingers interlaced mine, a calm assurance filled me. This man would love me, with the same intensity that had driven him to throw Hot Ben against a wall to protect me, until my very deathbed. My looks, my body, my mental facilities…none of that fading from me, would keep him from my side.

I turned to him, facing him, suddenly feeling as if the rest of this ceremony wasn’t even necessary. I completely understood what he’d meant when he told me once, that in his eyes, I was his the day I’d saved him. That, to him, I was already his wife. And he was right. We were already married, already bound, in our souls, if not on some legal document.

My eyes lost in his, I heard the gruff voice of their friendly hired hand fill the space of the tent. There were introductions and a poetic rendering on the meaning of love, and, although I never turned from Teren to look at him, I imagined the leathery Jack Palance-like man speaking of love, and couldn’t suppress a giggle. Peter Alton led the crew that helped the family out throughout the year (more for show than anything else) and he was pure cowboy, rough and hard, and with a heart of gold. Or so I had to believe, since I also believed he was well aware of the family’s true nature, and worked for them anyway.

As he got to the section about exchanging rings, Teren’s eyes finally pulled away from mine. He looked behind him to his dad, who handed him my ring, a beaming smile on his aged face as he stood next to his son. It was probably a little odd to my distant relatives that Teren’s dad was standing up as his best man, instead of some twenty something guy, but that was just Teren’s family. They were close. As Teren turned back to me, I looked past Jack and felt myself sigh with relief. Hot Ben was standing beside him, looking pale and nervous, and eyeing Teren cautiously. I knew from his behavior that he still remembered what Teren was, and he’d decided to stand beside him anyway. Again, I could have kissed Ben.

Finally registering what I needed to do, I turned to Ashley standing beside me, her blood red dress making her look elegantly beautiful, the elaborate curls on half of her head facing the direction of the crowd. From their perspective, she’d look nearly normal. To me, she looked perfect. I gave her a quick hug, handing her my bouquet of white roses and then taking Teren’s unadorned platinum band from her. I flashed a quick smile at Tracey behind her, looking exceedingly hot in her skintight dress and intricate up-do, and then turned back to Teren.

Opting for our own words instead of prepackaged ones (since nothing about our relationship was prepackaged), Teren began speaking to me as he slipped the ruby encrusted ring on my finger. I swallowed as silent tears ran down my cheeks.

“Emma Taylor, I think I fell for you, the moment you dumped your coffee all over my shirt.” He grinned and a soft laughter went around the tent, followed by a round of soft sniffling. He tilted his head as he gazed at me adoringly. “I would have married you on that first day in the coffee shop, if you’d have had me.”

I smiled at his sentiment and he stroked my fingers, once the ring was in place. “I promise you that I will always love you, that I will always take care of you, and that I will never let any harm come to you.” A silence filled the tent as Teren’s face got intensely serious at those words. I understood the meaning though, and even more tears slid down my skin.

Clutching my fingers, he added, “I will be your husband until the day I die.” With tears building in his eyes and falling down his cheeks, he softly said, “I will love you, for the rest of my life.”

A sob escaped me and tears fell rapidly at hearing those words, at seeing the tears running down his cheeks, at understanding what he really meant by that. When most grooms say things like that, they are assuming that they will live a long life together, and will each die within a relatively short amount of time of the other. With most men, those sentences merely imply that ‘I will never love another while we are both alive, that I will never stray, and we will still be in love with each other on our deathbeds’.

But when Teren says those things, he knows, without a shadow of a doubt, that I will die before him, quite possibly, centuries before him. What he is really saying, is that he will literally mourn me, miss me, and love me…for eternity. That he will never move on from me, will never marry another. I will always be his wife, no matter how many hundreds of years we were apart. It was a heartbreaking admission and I openly sobbed. I heard others sniffling at his sentimentality, but really, only his family understood our true pain at those beautifully simple, yet horribly complex words.

Knowing I was skipping a step, I reached up and kissed him. The sniffling in the crowd shifted to laughter and Peter coughed and said, “We’re not there yet,” but I ignored them. My man had just said something that deserved a bigger response than me sobbing in front of him. I poured my soul into that kiss, letting him know that I would make the short time we were together worth it. I would give him the memories he could take with him, for the rest of his supernaturally long life.

Finally we broke apart as the crowd openly laughed at us. I sniffled and wiped my eyes, muttering an apology to Peter. He smiled warmly at me, shaking his head and looking very debonair in his gray dress suit. He indicated the ring I was still holding, and I turned back to Teren, to slip it on his finger.

I said something, something warm and loving that brought tears to Teren’s eyes and made him smile warmly at me. It wasn’t nearly as moving as what he’d said, although the crowd still sniffled, not realising just how heart-wrenching Teren’s speech actually was. While I couldn’t remember the words in my hormonal, emotionally charged vows, the overall sentiment was – I love you more than words can express, and that will never stop.

kiasusam 02-04-2017 12:43 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
After that, we kissed again, and a laugh went over the crowd again until Peter finally gave up and simply proclaimed our kissing bodies husband and wife. I ignored the thunderous applause and the sensation of several bodies standing and clapping; I already knew we were husband and wife. Teren and I kissed, smiled and hugged. Finally we tore our attention off of each other, long enough to take in the crowd of well wishers.

I didn’t know a lot of them, only having heard of them through family stories my mom told, but some were familiar and I smiled warmly at them. At the people I loved, I smiled brightly - My mother, her eyes a red, watery mess. Alanna, her eyes so pink from her pink tears, that she almost looked like she had an infectious disease. Imogen, who was clapping at us and swallowing repeatedly. I could tell she was forcing herself not to cry; vampires cried pure blood, and although that trait had faded away by the time it had diluted to Teren, it was still pretty obvious in the 50% vampire that was Imogen. Beside her, her bare arms wrapped around her daughter, was Halina. No tears were on the vampire’s cheeks, nor did she seem to be holding back any, but her face beamed at us as she hugged Imogen.

After another moment of the clapping, Teren took my hand and led me down the carpet path placed over the Plexiglas floor above the pool. Along the sides of the carpet, I could see the pool water glowing blue, lit from the bulbs beneath it. Combined with all the candles and the twinkling lights above, the space was well lit, and no trace of a glow was in Teren’s eyes as he shook hands with my relatives, no glow but a happy one, that is.

The music shifted to a happy beat as Teren and I drifted over to the barbeque area of the patio, where the tables of food were being set up. People congratulated us and gave me hugs. In fact, I hugged so many people that my automatic response to someone walking in front of me was to grab them and enclosed them in a teary embrace. Teren thought that was pretty funny, since I didn’t even know the majority of the people’s names.

Between the bustle of talking to strangers and having my sister shove some food in my mouth, some sort of teriyaki beef that was to die for, the folding chairs were swished off the pool, and the red carpet rolled away. As I noticed people starting to dance on the huge Plexiglas floor, I also noticed that the lights under the pool had started shifting to different colors in time to the music. They pulsed red and then blue and then a really beautiful green. I smiled around a mouthful of food at the beauty of my fairytale wedding. And I hadn’t planned any of it really.

I firmly embraced and thanked every in-law I could find after that. With tears running down my cheeks, I even told Halina I loved her. She smirked at that, raised an eyebrow to Teren, and then proceeded to bump and grind a couple of my cousins on the dance floor, her super short, strapless dress, riding even higher up her toned thighs.

I pulled Teren out to that dance floor, and much to my mother’s dismay, we danced all night long. People were so entertained by the environment and the food and the music, not to mention the wine and the huge hot tub that a few brave souls jumped in, that no one really noticed that we skipped over the cake cutting, just serving the slices instead, and no one gave any champagne toasts, we didn’t need them anyway. Well, my mom noticed, trying to get me off the floor several times to do the “formally correct” wedding things, but I ignored her, only hugging Teren tighter as he twirled me around the see-through floor, and telling her we’d do it later. Of course, I had no intention of doing that, as my husband couldn’t eat or drink, and I was not about to subject him to another round of blood-chucking on our wedding night. I had much more appealing plans for him than that.

Eventually, Mom let it die, Alanna helping with that by keeping her occupied on the floor with her and Ashley. When it was horribly late at night, the revelers finally started dispersing. I cried and hugged each one, telling my third cousin, Tyra, that I loved her and we’d get together soon, even though we’d never hung out before and I wasn’t even sure of her last name.

When just a handful were left, and Teren and I were sleepily slow dancing, Hot Ben and Tracey came up to us. Teren stopped our movement and we broke apart, both of our eyes on Ben. Tracey, oblivious and slightly tipsy, congratulated us both and gave us each long hugs and sloppy kisses on the cheeks. After pulling apart from Teren, which made Ben clench his jaw, she slurred, “It’s getting cold out here.” With a grin she added, “You should go upstairs before Teren turns into a Popsicle.”

I giggled at that, but stopped when I noticed the pale look on Ben’s face. Teren extended a hand out to the side of the pool and asked Ben to talk to him for a minute. Ben swallowed, but eventually nodded, looking around at all the human witnesses before he did so.

I sighed at his reluctance to be alone with him, and without seeming like I was eavesdropping, which I was, I turned to Tracey, who muttered to me, “Did you see Ben during the ceremony?” She shook her head, her now freed blonde curls dancing, “You’d think he was getting married up there, by how nervous he was.”

I giggled self-consciously as Tracey frowned at her seemingly reluctant to commit boyfriend. I was pretty sure that that wasn’t the case, since Ben adored Tracey, but I couldn’t really explain the reason for Ben’s nerves to her, so I didn’t comment. Luckily I didn’t need to, as a beaming Ashley joined us.

kiasusam 02-04-2017 12:46 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
"We’re gonna take off, sis,” Ashley said brightly.

I cocked my head at her. “You’re not gonna stay until tomorrow?”

She shook her head and she and Tracey both giggled. “No way, we don’t want to be anywhere near you on your big night.”

I flushed furiously and smacked her arm. “God, Ashley. We’re in a different building for goodness sake.” I wasn’t worried about their ears hearing us anyway.

She and Tracey exchanged a look and then they laughed again. “Yeah, we know.” I completely couldn’t hear what Ben and Teren were talking about, over their fresh bout of giggles, but figured Teren would tell me later. Wife’s privilege, right?

I sighed and smacked them again before they went off to pack their stuff. As they walked away, Teren and Hot Ben came back. They both looked worn, but had slight smiles on their faces. As Ben gave me a hug goodbye, I watched Teren over his shoulder. He cocked his dark head, listening, and then muttered something under his breath. I knew he was talking to his family, and could easily imagine which one. As Ben and I broke apart, I looked over to the other end of the dance floor. Halina was staring at us unabashedly, her eyes narrowed in disapproval as she stood still amid the handful of dancers left.

Ben noticed my gaze and looked at her too. He sucked in a quick breath as he caught her glaring at him. I think if Halina had made the slightest move towards us, he’d have bolted. “Oh god, did she hear Teren and me talking? Does she know that I know?”

I didn’t need to answer him, for Halina, several feet away from where he’d whispered that, nodded, slowly and deliberately. There was no question that she was answering him. He gasped and backed up into Teren. Teren put a hand out to steady him and Ben looked back, a little unsure about his closeness. Teren kept his eyes on Halina, as he firmly said, “You won’t be bothered, Ben. You’re free to go home, if you wish.”

Halina shifted her gaze to Teren, clearly not happy about that, but made no move to disagree with his decree. Ben took Halina’s distraction as a chance to scramble away from us. I sighed as I turned to watch him leave, both grateful that he’d chosen to remember, and sad that he wasn’t as instantly okay with it as I had been. Although, when it came to Halina, even I had needed a minute to adjust. Teren’s eyes still on Halina, I heard him mutter, “We’ll talk about this later.”

Halina shot him a glare and then turned to walk away from the pool, out the back of the patio where she could disappear into the night. I figured a cow or two were going down tonight and I hoped no humans were, deserving or not. Teren sighed and looked down on me, an arm wrapping around my satiny waist. I sighed as I wrapped an arm around him.

“So?” I asked.

He shook his head. “He says he wants to remember…but I feel like he, just as much, wants to forget.” His eyes looked sad as he softly smiled. “I don’t know if we’ll ever be the same, but I don’t think he’ll say anything.” His eyes lifted to a point off to his right, where he could sense his great-grandmother in the darkness. “And if he does…she’ll take care of it.”

I patted his chest, leaning into his side in sympathy. I knew what that friendship had meant to him, and I hoped it could somehow survive. Before I could respond to him, the rest of the guests started coming up, saying their goodbyes. My mother said it last, wishing us well, but not wanting to stay and pester our first night together. I automatically put a hand on my ever-so-slightly expanded belly, thinking it was nowhere near our first night together, but understanding my mom’s sentiment. In a way, it was our first night together, as husband and wife anyway.

As she left, Alanna came up to us. With tears in her eyes, she congratulated us both. Then she turned and started to walk away, towards the darkness Halina had disappeared into. “Where are you going?” I called after her.

She turned, a knowing smile on her lips. “We are all spending the night at the ranch hand’s home.” Her arm lifted to indicate the massive, empty spread. “You have the main house all to yourself.”

I flushed everywhere as I stammered out a thank you. She shook her head and giggled, the youthful sound matching her youthful appearance, and then she blurred from sight. Teren chuckled at seeing her dash away, and then swept me into his arms, a broad smile on his face. “Mrs. Adams, are you ready to retire for the evening?”

I tightened my arms around his neck, pushing aside my embarrassment as the desire to rip off that incredible tuxedo struck me. “Oh, yes, Mr. Adams.” I leaned in, giggling as I kissed him.

I felt his strong arms tighten and then the rush of air as he blurred us upstairs, no longer having to hide his abilities in this empty home. An empty home that for once wouldn’t be privy to my moans of passion. I delighted in that fact, just as much as I delighted in the feel of his stubbly jaw along my sensitive skin.

He set me down beside our massive bed, a fire in the fireplace already going and dozens of candles around the room, already filling it with the heady scent of vanilla. The multiple flickering orange lights masked the glow of his eyes and emphasised the desire in them. He stepped away from me, his hands trailing down the lace sleeves as he took me in. “That dress…is spectacular,” he murmured.

His eyes, combined with his feather-light touch down my arms, heated my core, made me start to burn with need for him. He inhaled deep, his eyes unfocused when they came back to mine. Stepping toward me, his body lightly brushing mine, he leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Do you have any idea how good you smell…when you’re ready for me?” His nose ran up my bare throat, left purposefully unadorned for him, since my bare neck was what he preferred most, and a gasp escaped me, my knees feeling weak. “When you’re wet…because of me?”

I could only groan at his erotic words, speech not really capable in my brain anymore. His cool lips closed over an earlobe as his hands ran up my back, the chilly fingers tracing the heart outline between my shoulder blades, giving me goose bumps. As his mouth shifted back to mine and my fingers traveled up to that dark, thick hair, he started popping open the pearl buttons along my spine.

He did each one at a slow, human speed, and it took awhile; they went all the way down to my backside. Then, with our mouths never stopping, he slipped the satin and lace material off my shoulders. His fingers followed the fabric down my arms and my breath picked up with each new inch of skin exposed. When my arms were free, his fingers explored the ribbon corset highlighting my ample cleavage before he let the dress drop. When all that remained was a satiny white pool of symbolic purity, he pulled away from my mouth and gazed at my body. His face was anything but pure as he took me in.

His breath heavier, he trailed one finger along the strap of my snow white bra. Achingly slow, he followed the strap down to the cup. My chest heaving at this point, he dipped his finger into the cup, twisting it, so the cool pad could caress the twin wounds he’d made earlier. I gasped at the sensation and the memory, and attacked his mouth, ripping his jacket off in the process.

He lifted my body out of the remnants of my heavy dress and set me on the bed. Leaning over me, still kissing, he helped me remove his shirt and vest and other fabulous adornments. When only his lower body was dressed, he straightened and looked down at me. Under his powerful gaze, my shaking fingers went to the button of his pants and slowly unfastened them. His hand came up to run through a curl in my up-do and as I, amazingly slow, opened the zipper of his black slacks, he pulled out the pins keeping my hair in place.

kiasusam 02-04-2017 12:50 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
At the same time that I freed his pants and pushed them down his hips, he freed my hair and fluffed out the curls around my shoulders. He left the tiara on. He kicked off his shoes and socks after stepping out of his pile of pants and then, only in his black boxer-briefs, he leaned over me again, until I leaned all the way back on the bed. He sighed and scooted me up to the middle, pausing only slightly, to rapidly toss the mountain of decorative pillows to the floor.

His fingers traveled from my plain white, virginal looking bra to my not so virginal abdomen, holding his twins safely deep inside. As his cool body explored every inch of my heated flesh, I explored every inch of his. My hand ducked inside his underwear, eager to feel how ready he was. He did not disappoint. My hand tightened around his cool erection as he groaned low in my ear. Then he pulled my hand away from him and crouched over me.

“Give me 15 minutes,” he said, a playful grin on his face.

I frowned and sat up on my elbows. “15 minutes? What for?”

His smile turned devilish. “It’s a surprise, one you’ll like.”

I kept up my frown, but his playful smile intrigued me. “Fine…but after 15 minutes, I start without you.”

His smile dropped at that and his eyes dragged right down my body to stare at my underwear. I couldn’t help but tease him, so I ran a perfectly manicured finger over the most sensitive part of me. He blurred out of the room after that.

While he was gone, I completely undressed and spread myself over the luxurious silk sheets, having tossed the covers to the floor, and let the firelight dance along my bare skin, making shapes and patterns in the hills and valleys. I started to feel my long, emotional day catch up to me, and hoped that whatever he was doing, he did it soon before I fell asleep. That would not be a satisfying wedding night story to tell Tracey, not that I’d be telling her much anyway.

Just when I was wishing I had his super senses and I could either hear him or sense where he was, he blurred back into the room. I gaped at the sight of him, just as he gaped at the sight of me. He looked no different than before, but he was completely naked now in the doorway, and his magnificent body was still completely ready for me. My body was instantly ready again too as anticipation shot through me.

His eyes lingered on my nakedness spread over the bed for him as he walked towards me. “You’re so beautiful,” he muttered before crawling over me. I started to respond to that as my arms instinctually went to embrace him, but the words froze on my tongue. My eyes widened in shock as he laid down on top of me, a small grin on his face at my reaction.

He was warm.

Every extremity of my body wrapped around him as I tried to process the now odd sensation. He was warm, really warm, slightly above my temperature. While I loved the cool sensation of him against my skin, feeling him this way brought back every memory of when he was alive. My eyes started to water as I caressed every section of that skin that I could find.


He grinned as I continued mauling him. Leaning down, he brought warm lips to my ear and I shuddered as his hot mouth sucked on a lobe. “Hot tub,” he whispered.

It was only then that I noticed that the warm skin, while not damp, had that muggy feeling you get when you’ve been in water a long time. I also finally noticed that the edges of his hair was wet, not the top, just around the sides like he’d held his face under the water. I sighed contently and brought his mouth to mine. Even his tongue was warm.

“Oh my god, you’re so warm…you’re so warm.” My hand ran down to the lower part of him, still completely hard, and now completely warm. “OMG…”

My eyes started watering and he stopped his chuckling to look over me. Confusion passed his eyes as he dried my tears. “I thought you’d like this…I’m sorry.”

I immediately shook my head. “No, I do…I so do. I just…” I swallowed and made myself smile, made myself push back the emotion. “I love how you are…I even like the cold.” My hands tightened over his body, drawing him even closer to me. “But like this…” I sighed as I hugged his head to me. “You feel alive again, Teren.”

He exhaled and pulled back, gazing at me for a moment and then shaking his head. “I am alive, Emma.” He smiled softly and rested his warm forehead to mine. “I may not be living…but I am alive.”

He kissed me then, intently, like he could show me through physical contact what he meant. I reveled in him, in our mouths perfectly moving together, our hands clutching the other’s warm flesh, our breaths fast, our sounds full of need, and his warm arousal sliding along the warmth of mine as our hips rocked together…just one shift by either of us and we’d officially consummate this marriage.

Getting lost in his temperature, I pushed his head down my chest. “I need to feel your heat…everywhere.”

He groaned, obliging me with searing kisses down my body. “God, that’s hot,” he muttered into my skin. His hands and lips worked over my body, firing every sensitive stretch of skin he passed – a swell of my breast, a rigid nipple, the slight bulge of my stomach, the softness behind my knee, a tender spot on my inner thigh. And as his pleasantly warm tongue stroked and tasted the wetness between those thighs, I grabbed his head and loudly cried out, instantly grateful this house was empty.

As I came down off my orgasm, he flipped me over, bringing his attentions to the low of my back, my spine, my ribs, my shoulder blades. It was incredibly stimulating and I was instantly ready for him again. As his mouth sucked on his favourite part of my neck and his hands slid under me to caress my breasts, my head buried into my pillow and panting into the satin, I pushed my hips back into his warm ones, wanting him to enter me.

He growled low in my ear as his hands shifted to my hips, guiding me onto him. I gasped as his warmth filled me. His coolness was incredible, but so was him feeling alive again. He groaned and dropped his head to my shoulder, his warm chest resting flush to my back, heating me inside and out. His hips moved against me as I rocked back into him. I let him know exactly how incredible he felt to me and his left hand reached out to clutch mine. Our wedding bands clicked together as we grasped each other’s fingers, nearly feeling like we were drowning in the pleasure engulfing us.

He trailed warm kisses along my shoulder blades as he moved over me and I angled my hips up to him, allowing him deeper access. Sitting back on my knees slightly, I felt a little submissive in the position I was in, which also felt appropriate. I was his. I wanted him to claim me. I wanted him to own me. And with each deep, groaning thrust, he was.

But as he was nearing his climax, he pulled out, quickly twisting me around to enter me again, but with us facing each other. His mouth came down to mine and he groaned in relief as our bodies resumed their rhythm. I felt like I understood as I wrapped my legs around him. He didn’t want to come with me submissive. We were in this together, he wanted us to come together…as equals.

kiasusam 02-04-2017 12:53 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Breathing heavy in my ear, he muttered with a tight voice, “Oh god, Emma. It’s so….it’s so…”

His voice trailed off and I grabbed his head, muttering, “I know, I know, baby.”

And I did know. We’d made love dozens of times. I mean, he’d already successfully impregnated me, but this, making love right now, it felt completely different and new. It felt like the first time. No, better than the first time, better than anytime. I wasn’t sure why that was, but being with him like this, as his wife, was such a deeper connection than I ever expected to feel during sex.

I clutched him tight as I felt a second orgasm rising in me, almost scared to feel the intensity of it; I could even feel the tears rise in me. His hand reached over to grab mine, left to left again, and he squeezed us tight, his body rigid and lightly shaking with the force of the release building inside of him. Feeling more confident that we were going into this together, I relaxed the hold on my body and let the explosion hit me. And it was an explosion, bigger than anything I’d ever felt before, ever. I let out a long cry filled with all of the love and ecstasy that I felt pouring through me.

He continued to move in me, possessing me, filling me, overwhelming me, and then a moment later, his body stilled and he cried out, his moans matching my own, his orgasm as intense as mine. I felt the release as he spilled inside of me and nearly sighed that that also, was warm. With panting breaths and slight rocking movements, we maintained the sensation as long as our spent bodies would hold onto it, and then the feeling ebbed and only peace and satisfaction remained. And a whole lot of love. Always that.

He stayed on my chest, stroking my hair and kissing my forehead as I reveled in his still warm body on top of me. “I love you, wife,” he said into my hair.

I looked up at him, the tears still in my eyes finally rolling down my cheeks. “I love you too, husband.”

To Be Continued on Next Chapter... ... ...

kiasusam 03-04-2017 07:40 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire

I stirred under slick, satiny sheets. In my mind, I wasn’t in a luxurious bed, though. No, in my semi-conscious state I was floating in a pool of light red liquid. The sun was bright in the cloudless sky and as I experimentally moved, the water, while warm directly around me, became cooler farther away from my body. And unlike any liquid in real life, it supported my weight, cradled me like a waterbed – a tropical fruit punch waterbed. Somewhere in the distance, I heard birds calling and waves lapping, and as I basked under the glorious rays of the sun, I trailed my fingers through the oddly supportive red water, beads of it splashing over my bare skin, turning portions of me a speckled pink.

I laughed at the oddness of it all and a deep laugh answered me. Turning my head, I saw Teren lying next to me, supported in the strange liquid as well. He turned his head to gaze at me, his blue eyes and dark hair in sharp contrast to the red water. He smiled, his fangs pure white and casually long, then rolled over the springy water to lie over the top of me. With a soft sigh, he dropped his head to the crook of my neck. His scratchy stubble against the sensitive skin of my collarbone started bringing me to awareness.

He was real. The red lake was not, but he was real.

The haze of my dream lifted as my legs stirred in the sheets again, this time recognising the fabric as our bed, and not a fruit punch pool. My eyes still closed, I also recognised the weight on top of me, and the smell - that light cologne scent that Teren had been wearing yesterday, the day we got married. Inhaling, still more asleep than awake, I let out some sort of mumbled greeting to my husband. His head still buried in my neck, I felt the rumble through his chest in response.

Neither one of us being more than slightly conscious, I wrapped my arms around him. His body, while not nearly the temperature he’d been last night, was still on the sort-of lukewarm side, and I sleepily indulged in the feeling of him over every bare inch of me. His hands wrapped under my body in response and we held each other as we drifted through phases of light sleep.

As I fluttered in and out, my legs instinctively opened to him. As he fluttered in and out, he instinctively pressed himself against me. Neither of us speaking, one of my hands trailed down his broad back to rest at his hip, while one of his slid down my spine, curving around my pelvis to rest on my knee. He gently brought my leg around him as he settled himself more perfectly over me.

I exhaled slow as his ready body gently pushed into mine. He let out a deep sigh, sounding more like a man relaxing back into his favourite recliner, than a man making morning love to his wife. Perfectly content. With our eyes still closed, his head still buried in my neck, we began to move together. It was slow and languid, neither one of us really striving towards anything, just enjoying the feeling of being so intimately connected.

We stayed that way, silently and slowly rocking together, between the cool satin sheets and the warm, down filled quilt, for a long, blissful eternity. Just when I could feel a deep, slow buildup starting, another part of my body decided to speak up first.

100% wide awake now, I stiffened board-straight underneath him. Confused, he stopped moving and raised his head, blinking sleepily at me. “Emma?”

His tired eyes tried to focus on mine, but he was still groggy and slow moving, and my body needed him to move much quicker. One hand flew to cover my mouth and the other shoved back his shoulder, pushing him off of me. He instantly retreated, understanding that I was about to lose it on him if he didn’t. Without looking back, I shot up off the bed and stumbled my way to the bathroom. I just barely made it into the private room with the toilet.

I was so ready for this part of pregnancy to be over with.

Almost immediately, his now cool hands were running up and down my back. I looked at him over my shoulder as I panted into the bowl, sort of hating him for putting me in this position. He smirked at my expression and pointed at the swirling water I’d just flushed down. “Sorry, did I do that?” His voice was sweet and innocent, but the twinkle in his eye was not.

Glaring at him as I sat back on my heels, I put a hand on my stomach and raised an eyebrow. “You know you did.”

“Sorry.” He grinned, not looking sorry at all.

I wanted to complain a bit, but then he swept me into his arms and treated me to a nice, relaxing, soapy shower. As he washed my hair and massaged my back, I just couldn’t find the words to complain anymore. When I was clean and feeling human again, he wrapped me in a huge, fluffy robe and put me back in bed. Then he blurred away and left me alone. I wanted to complain about that too, until ten minutes later he came back with bacon, eggs and a plate of waffles. I love my husband.

He seemed to love me too. As I scarfed down my food in our bed, he played with my wedding band, a loving, peaceful look on his face the entire time he twisted my ring in never-ending circles. When I was full and finished, and positive it would stay down, I set my plate on the nightstand and proceeded to finish what I’d so rudely halted this morning.

kiasusam 03-04-2017 07:44 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
This time, I made it through without getting sick.

His family stayed away for the bulk of the day. Well, for Halina and Imogen it wasn’t really a choice, they were stuck wherever they were until the sun set, but Jack and Alanna stayed away, giving us our newlywed space. And we needed it. We didn’t leave the room much, or the bed for that matter. We lounged, laughed, talked, made love, napped, played card games and made love again, all afternoon long. It was bliss. Pure, romantic, we-just-got-married bliss.

Teren did slip out of our oasis once or twice (dressed only in a pair of loose lounge pants, which was a delightfully yummy sight) to get a bite to eat. I let him leave by himself, taking the time he was gone to call my mom and sister. I sort of wanted to call Tracey, just to talk to Ben, to make sure he was okay, but I suppose that could wait. I mean, Teren and I had already kind of had our honeymoon, and today would be all I was going to get, so I was going to enjoy every darn minute.

When Teren came back, full and satisfied, he immediately stripped off his lounge pants, and I thoroughly enjoyed every single second of our time together.

Eventually the sun did set though, and Teren and I got dressed, and stayed dressed. He let me know they were coming back and we headed downstairs to greet everybody. As I was hugging Alanna and thanking her for the beautiful weekend, Halina immediately grabbed Teren’s arm and pulled him into the library. And let me tell you, when Halina wanted someone to follow her, vampire or not, that person followed. Teren stumbled a bit as she drag him away.

I eyed where they went nervously as I saw both Alanna and Imogen cringe a bit. At one point, even I could hear the heated voices. At that point, Imogen slung her hand over my arm and gently patted me, pulling me towards the kitchen. I let them drag me away, knowing they were trying to spare me the showdown going on a few rooms away. Alanna set me at the table and made a quick meal for Jack and me. Jack studied his plate, but occasionally looked at his wife and then down the hallway where Teren and Halina were still “talking”.

When he did it again as Imogen and Alanna started sipping their drinks, also throwing glances at the hall, I dropped my fork and said, “Shouldn’t someone go in there?”

The trio looked at each other and then to where Teren was. Imogen finally broke the silence, sipping her blood. “He’s fine.”

I sighed, giving Alanna hopeful eyes. She sighed as she met my gaze. “He really is fine. He’s just…explaining the situation to her.”

I looked at the three of them and shrugged. “What situation? Ben?”

They looked at each other again and then back at me. Imogen answered, her youthful face looking concerned as she glanced at the door. “Yes. “ She brought her eyes back to mine. “We really don’t like people to know about us. Teren knows that. Ben should have been wiped immediately.”

I blinked at each of them. “I knew.”

Alanna and Imogen shared a glance that spoke volumes. I suddenly realised that if Teren and I hadn’t ended up together, I most definitely would not have been allowed to remember what he was. I suspected that, but knowing that for sure was a bit startling. Tears stung my eyes at the thought; I couldn’t imagine not knowing. Alanna’s eyes sympathised as she watched the emotion on my face. “It’s just a precaution, Emma. The fewer who know, the fewer who can find out.”

I swallowed as I looked over her beautiful but sad, pale eyes. “My sister knows,” I whispered, suddenly worried that my confidant was going to be snatched away from me.

Imogen looked down while Alanna glanced at Jack. With my heart in my throat, Alanna spoke at me, her eyes never leaving her husband. “Halina spoke with her. She won’t wipe her mind,” her eyes returned to me, “as long as she stays silent.” She smiled softly and shrugged. “Halina is quite attached to the girl, as are we all.”

I exhaled softly, relief filling me that my sister’s memory would not be tampered with. A thought struck me as I thought about that. No one was allowed to know their secret? Did that mean that no one was allowed to even remember them? “How much does she wipe? When she erases someone, how much do they remember?”

The vampires looked at each other again and it was Imogen who answered me this time. “It depends on the circumstances. She won’t touch the people who came to the wedding, that meeting was too trivial, must people will have forgotten our faces in a few weeks. For other relationships, she may take everything. Some people, the acquaintances we’re around the most, but can’t be let in on the secret, well, when we leave here, they won’t even remember our names. They’ll only have a vague sense that they knew this person once…but every specific thing about us will elude them. We could meet them again, giving them the exact same names, and they’d never even realise that they already knew us.”

The tears stung my eyes again as the implications of that hit me. Aside from each other, hardly anyone they met really remembered who they were. I suppose, when it was time to move to another region, all traces of them were erased. That must take Halina weeks to scour through all the people. Although, most of the family stayed secluded at the ranch. The only vampire really out there forming attachments, was Teren. He was creating a lot of work for her by leaving coworkers and friends and others that would need memories dimmed, if not eradicated. No wonder they didn’t like him being away from the ranch. How lonely to not have anyone remember the bond they had with you.

And, I suppose, if things had worked out differently for Teren and I…I wouldn’t even know him. With how close we’d gotten, they would have taken everything. Every cherished memory I had. While I wouldn’t know the difference, Teren would. He’d still be in love, but to me, he’d be a complete stranger, just someone I’d spilt coffee on one day. I desperately wanted to hug him, all of them. “That’s so…sad,” I whispered, a tear finally dropping to my cheek.

Alanna reached out and wiped it away, a small smile on her fanged face as she sipped her blood. “We have each other.”

I shook my head. “But Teren wants more.”

Imogen sighed and reached out for Alanna’s hand. As one, they turned to Jack when he finally spoke. “He does. He wants a normal life, normal job…normal friends.” Jack sighed and shook his head. “The fact that the side effects are so mild on him, that he can pass as human so easily, makes living a life in secret…more difficult.” Jack shrugged, his aged eyes looking sad. “He’s always wanted to leave his mark on the world…and that just can’t happen. It’s impossible to not leave some sort of trail, not with how connected the world is now, but we do what we can. It’s one of the reasons Teren writes under an alias.”

Jack sighed while that fact sank in. Teren wrote articles for Gate Magazine under the name John Jones. Very generic. I had always assumed he did that for privacy. I guess in a way, I was right. Alanna met eyes with Jack and they gave each other sympathetic smiles. I wondered if someday, Teren and I would share sympathetic smiles over the table, while our children’s spouses dealt with the realities of their lives.

kiasusam 03-04-2017 07:48 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
"It hurts him, I think, having to hide,” Alanna said quietly.

I looked down, hating this conversation, but understanding it too. The constant charade, the self imposed isolation, the endless lies - all of it to hide the truth from everyone. People who, either way, wouldn’t be allowed to remember much, if anything, about him. It was heartbreaking for someone who ached for normalcy.

The vampires simultaneously looked up at the door, and a moment later Jack and I did as well. Halina huffed through first, heading to the table and pouring a thick glass of blood from the carafe, immediately downing it. Teren came in a few steps later, looking tired, but happy. He smiled softly at me as he sat down. When Halina slammed the carafe down in front of him, probably denting the table, he didn’t react, only grabbed it and calmly poured himself a glass. I guess he’d won.

After the silent dinner, where Halina pouted and both Imogen and Alanna whispered foreign words to her, I tried to help Alanna clean up the wedding decorations still strewn all throughout the entryway and backyard. I should have known better. She shooed me off, loaded Teren down with our presents and as much of the leftovers for me that he could carry, and practically swept us out the door.

As Teren packed up our car, I said my final goodbyes and thanked all of them. Ending up in front of Halina last, I gave her a hug, her cold body giving me a slight shiver in the December air. Her pale eyes were worried when I pulled back, but she wasn’t looking at me, her eyes were attached to Teren’s back, watching him fill the trunk of his Prius. Feeling sympathetic, and hormonal, and full of I-just-got-married good feelings, I cupped her cheek.

Shocked, her eyes shifted over to mine. A little shocked myself, I dropped my hand and stole a glance at Teren. “He’ll be okay, Halina.” Bringing my eyes back to hers, I held them intently. The wind picked up some, billowing out Halina’s tresses like a pure black cloud. “I won’t let anything happen to him.”

Even I knew my promise was an impossible one. I guess I said it so that she would know she wasn’t alone in worrying over him. I was right there with her. She seemed to understand that and smiled at me, nodding lightly. We hugged again and were still hugging when Teren walked up to us.

He smiled at the two of us, at me seemingly bonding with the one vampire that had nearly had me running for the hills a few months ago, and then his eyes settled on his great-grandmother. He spoke a long, flowery Russian sentence to her. She sighed and nodded before reaching up and hugging him, repeating the only line that I’d actually understood – Ya Tebya Lyublyu - I love you.

My eyes watered as Teren grabbed my hand and led me to the car. Darn emotional vampires.

I tried to bring up the conversation he’d had with Halina on the car ride home, but he didn’t really want to talk about it, only saying that she was worrying too much about it, and that he was positive Ben wasn’t going to say anything to anyone. I could see the tension in his jaw when he said that though and thought Teren was simply wishing out loud. He wanted to believe Ben would choose their friendship over fear, or even over fame. I wasn’t sure, but I’d imagine that one of Halina’s concerns was that once he was outside of their influence, he’d gather his courage and speak out. Most reputable news sources would scoff at his tale, but if he looked hard enough, he could probably find one that wouldn’t. If he wanted to sell a story and make a little money, Teren’s was a good one to sell.

I just didn’t see that with Ben though. Neither did Teren apparently, that’s why he let him leave. He had faith. I guess tomorrow would answer the question for both of us. If he was going to spill, Tracey would be the first one he spilled to.

I put it out of my mind when we arrived at home; there was nothing I could do about it tonight anyway. Teren walked around the car to help me exit, as he liked to do, but paused an inordinately long amount of time at my door. He looked at me blankly through the glass and I knew he wasn’t really seeing me. I knew he was listening. Without opening my door, he straightened and looked across the street. I looked with him, but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

It was the same large, two-story dwelling that we’d left behind Friday morning. Painted in a sort of salmon colour that I found atrocious, it had high hedges that formed a natural fence around the perimeter. A balcony on the front of the home, highlighting what I’d always assumed was the master bedroom upstairs, was just as empty as it usually was. And In the darkness, I could just make out Goldie, Spike’s favourite cat to chase, jump down off the vacant front porch to dash underneath the shrubbery before running off down the street. All pretty standard stuff.

Teren had an eerie look on his face though and a growl rumbled from his chest. I could hear him all the way through the thin metal of the car. I could almost feel it vibrating my skin as I sat safe and sound on the inside. Panic sliced through me at hearing that noise coming from him, but when he looked about ready to stride over to our neighbor’s garish spread to personally investigate whatever was bothering his senses, I cracked open my door. He startled and looked back at me, pointing at the door in a clear command to stay put.

Ignoring my natural instincts to not be commanded, I opted for caution and stayed standing in the open door frame. He looked back at the street when it seemed I was obeying, and then took a step forward. I caught his hand at the last moment and he looked back at me, the desire to stay warring with the desire to leave, clear on his face. I shook my head at him, commanding him to stay. If I was going to be cautious, then so was he.

“I’m tired. I want us to go to bed.” I stressed the “us” in that sentence, just in case he’d missed it. I didn’t know what he was hearing, but I knew it was something I didn’t want him leaving me to go check out. Besides, hadn’t I just promised Halina that I wouldn’t let anything happen to him? We were stronger together than apart, he needed to learn that.

He finally sighed and with one last look, and I swear a sniff, scooped me up dramatically to carry me across the threshold, like we were back in the fifties or something. I giggled, letting relief push worry from me, and an exuberant Spike met us at the door, having run into the house from a newly installed doggy door just off the laundry room. He barked and ran circles around the two of us, running in-between Teren’s legs whenever he could, while Teren attempted to keep moving forward without stepping on him.

kiasusam 03-04-2017 07:52 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Teren set me down in the entryway, Spike jumping up so he could try and lick my face, while Teren walked back outside to get our bags. I watched him through the open door as he grabbed our belongings from the trunk. He occasionally glanced over at the house, shaking his head a little, but made no move to go near it. I exhaled in relief when he was finally done, setting our stuff down just inside the door and softly closing it, shutting the world out. Then with a wicked grin, he blurringly fast swept me back into his arms. I squeaked and held him tight as my body adjusted from being upright, to being carried. Laughing at my reaction, Teren held me tighter and gave me a quick kiss. Then our little trio headed upstairs and Teren laid me down on our bed while he went to bring our stuff up from downstairs.

I gave him a look that clearly said, ‘you better only be going downstairs, and not outside to investigate whatever you heard, while I’m out of eyeshot’. He stared at me for a second and then nodded in silent acquiescence, understanding. Trusting that he’d listen to me, I comfortably settled myself on the bed, letting the busy weekend overwhelm my body. Spike hopped up with me, his long tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as his whole body vibrated with happy energy. He nuzzled into my back and, snuggling into his furry warmth, I was asleep long before Teren came back.

I was so tired that I didn’t wake up until Teren kissed me goodbye for work the next morning. Smiling that he was fine, I kissed him back eagerly. My fingers ran over the metal of his wedding band as our hands slid together; the metal was as cool as his skin. As he straightened to leave, he handed me a calla lily. I smiled and took it, inhaling deep, amazed at his never-ending romantic side. So far, married life was going swimmingly.

Once he was gone, I crawled out of bed and made myself get ready for work. I couldn’t help the small grin at the fact that I was in my pajamas. I was so out of it last night, that I hadn’t even noticed him changing me.

Forcing my still tired body to go through the motions of showering, dressing and doing makeup, I suddenly thought Tracey had a good point when she’d asked why I was still working. Teren’s family had money, seemingly a lot of money. Did I really need to keep trudging to a job every day? I did like it though. It occupied my mind and made me feel like I was contributing to something bigger than myself, even if it was an already well-off corporation. Sometimes it was just the process of getting there that sucked.

And once I finally dragged myself there, I was met with multiple little surprises. First, Clarice congratulated me. I think my eyes were as wide as they could go when she said that. Of course, she handed me a stack of papers at the same time, so really, I suppose, she could have been congratulating me for that. Second, someone, and I’m going to assume Tracey, had decorated my “office”. My tiny cubicle was swarming with balloons and roses and cards stuffed with well wishes. It made my eyes water, looking at the thoughtfulness.

And my last surprise was the one that filled me with relief. Tracey hugged me and exclaimed over and over about what a great weekend she and Hot Ben had, and what a perfect wedding it had been. She was startled that I’d pulled it off, but not startled that my husband was a member of the undead. She was none the wiser. Ben had apparently been worthy of Teren’s trust, and not said a single word. Yet again, I could have kissed him.

After a day of warm hugs, endless flashes of my gorgeous ring and thank yous to anyone who would listen, even the FexEx guy, who was only dropping off a package to Mr. Peterson and looked a little confused at my gratitude, I was worn out. By the time five came around, I was ready for a long bath and maybe a backrub by my extraordinarily strong husband.

But the surprises weren’t quite done for the day. Late in the evening, an anxious looking Ben arrived on our doorstep. Shuffling his weight from side to side, he nervously glanced over my shoulder at Teren, standing a few yards back in the entryway. Then he exhaled a long, slow breath. Seemingly more confident, he asked if he could come in.

Running through all the things he could potentially say that would break Teren’s heart, I told him of course he could, and led him into the entryway. He looked around our home, his blue eyes taking in all the little luxuries Teren surrounded himself with, and then followed Teren and me into the living room.

He took a seat on the leather sofa, only cursorily glancing at the wall of windows that showed a magnificent view of the water, the expanse of water dark, as the sun had set. Teren and I exchanged soft sighs and a long look before joining him. Sitting in-between us on the long, softer-than-your-bed couch, Ben stared at his hands clasped over his knees. His fingers traced the tiny scars and marks a person gets on their hands over the course of their life, but he didn’t speak. Knowing that his mind was probably running a mile a minute, Teren and I gave him all the prep time he needed.

Finally he spoke, although he still stared at his hands. “I know, I wasn’t supposed to see what I did the other night,” he began quietly. “But I did.” He finally looked up at Teren. “And I can’t stop thinking about it.”

Teren swallowed and nodded, his face calm, almost resigned. Ben slowly shook his head. “What you are…blows my mind.” Looking over at me, Ben shook his head again. “I don’t know how you handle it so well, Emma.”

Looking between the two of us, he sighed and leaned back onto the couch; we followed suit. “Watching you two at the wedding though…all I saw was a couple in love.” He looked at Teren again. “I didn’t see a fictional monster.” He looked at me. “And I didn’t see a woman who willingly gives her blood to a fictional monster.” He looked down at his hands again. “I only saw love. A love that makes me believe the world is a better place, because the two of you are in it.”

I smiled and looked over at Teren who smiled with me, although his was tight. Reaching out for Ben, I put a hand on his knee. “Thank you, Ben. You don’t know what your acceptance means to us, to Teren.”

Ben stopped studying his hands to look up at me. I swallowed when I saw the tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Emma.” He shook his head. “But that’s not what this is.”

I felt my own eyes water and shook my head. “But…you said…”

He swallowed, flicking a glance at Teren and then me. “I know, and I do feel that way about you,” he looked at Teren, “about both of you.” He shook his head, a tear finally falling. “But I can’t deal with what I saw anymore.”

He looked over at Teren, his face deeply apologetic. “I’m sorry. I know you’re not a bad person, or whatever, but I can’t handle being in a world where things like you exist.”

Teren nodded and looked down, not saying anything. I found I couldn’t be as stoic. “What?” I smacked Ben’s shoulder so he’d look at me; he did so reluctantly. “You’re his friend! That means accepting him for what he is!” My voice heated, as my hormonal emotions flared.

Ben swallowed and leaned away from me. “I am his friend. It’s not him I can’t handle.” He looked back at Teren while I furrowed my brow, angered and confused. “I can’t deal with the fact that all the myths are true. That horror stories are real.”

kiasusam 03-04-2017 07:55 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Ben…”

He looked back at me, his perfect face pale “No, Emma. I’m sorry, but I’m not as strong as you. I need to go back.”

Irritated, I let out, “You not knowing won’t make it any less real, Ben.”

He shook his highlighted head at me. “I know that. But, in this case, ignorance is better.” Teren exhaled softly and Ben ran a hand through his hair and looked back at him, still staring at the ground. “I can’t sleep, Teren. Every bump, every dark corner…I just keep wondering what else is out there.”

He sighed and put a hand on Teren’s shoulder, as Teren finally looked up. “It’s not you…it’s the possibilities you represent.” He pointed outside, to the house Teren had been interested in last night. “I mean, just walking over here, I thought I saw something in the shadows.” He brought both hands to his face and leaned over his knees. “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, I just can’t live this way.”

He stayed bent over while I fumed silently, more angry over Teren’s loss than Ben’s choice. Teren only sighed again and put his hand on Ben’s back. “Okay, Ben. I’ll have Halina fix this. You won’t remember a thing.”

I straightened in my seat, wondering just how much Teren was planning on taking. If he took everything of Ben’s memory, then he’d have to take Tracey’s too; we’d spent too much time as a foursome. I suddenly realised that by marrying him, I’d sort of signed away all of my relationships too. Teren noticed my rigidness, but didn’t comment. Ben looked up, cringing. “She freaks me out, man.” Teren smiled softly and Ben added, “How much will she erase? Will I even remember you?”

Teren sighed and looked at him for achingly long moments. I thought he was debating right now if he should just end the friendship. I felt those tears from earlier slide down my cheeks. Finally, he softly said, “I’ll only take the day of the wedding.” He left it at that, but I could clearly hear the part he didn’t say…for now.

Ben didn’t catch it and instantly brightened, relief filling his gorgeous face. “Oh, thank you. I was hoping we’d still be…” He swallowed and looked down, suddenly not able to look at Teren anymore. “You hate me, right? Think I’m weak.” He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye.

Teren smiled and patted his back. “No, Ben. I understand. You’re not the first who couldn’t handle knowing.”

Ben nodded and glanced at me sheepishly before turning back to Teren. “I’m really sorry, you guys. I wish I could…” He sighed and shrugged.

Teren stood, extending a hand to Ben, who stood and clasped it in a friendly shake. Friendly, but businesslike. Teren smiled at Ben and told him it was okay again, that he understood and wasn’t angry. A part of me wanted to tell him that too, but a bitter part of me just thought Ben should man up and deal with it, and for now, I listened to that part. I stayed on the couch, arms crossed over my chest, not wanting to share in the warm goodbyes. Teren deserved having a friend that loved him for him, and everything that entailed.

After a swift goodbye, Teren told him, “I’ll line up a meeting with Halina. It may take a little bit though. Will you be okay until then?”

Ben smiled nervously, but nodded. I frowned, knowing that Halina would come right now if Teren called for her. He was still giving his friend a chance, still holding out hope that Ben might choose to know him, rather than not know him. Ben sputtered apologies again and then sheepishly backed out of the room. I said nothing as he left, barely even acknowledging his hasty exit. I was still too busy being pissed off for Teren, since he didn’t appear to be.

After showing him out, Teren came back to the living room and sat down in the same spot on the couch. He was silent, looking composed, and staring straight ahead of himself. I thought to say something, just didn’t know what. Then a low sob broke from his lips. After that, it was like he crumbled, his head dropping into his hands as he started lightly crying. I was at his side immediately, holding him, stroking his back and murmuring sympathies.

Mentally I cursed Ben for finding us, for walking into that room. I silently berated him for freaking out and for wanting to forget, for hurting Teren with his rejection. But I couldn’t completely hate him, not even when Teren gave up stoicism and sought comfort from me, laying his head in my lap and sniffling back his pain. Even then, I couldn’t hate Ben. I couldn’t hate him, because I sort of understood him. I understood his fear anyway. Sometimes I even shared it.

I just loved Teren enough to deal with it.

To Be Continued on Next Chapter... ... ...

kiasusam 03-04-2017 08:08 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
カリビアンコム 110513-472 全裸de登校日


Tag: Creampie, cosplay, Big tits, Facial cumshots, bukkake, cumshot, slender, cum inside, cunnilingus, 69, handjob, uniform

出演:椎名ひかる 黒崎セシル 星崎亜耶 三沢明日香 宮崎由麻 大塚まゆ 薫ひな
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75761_3xplanet_Caribbeancom_110513-472.mp4 - 1.3 GB



AnnaTommy 03-04-2017 10:42 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Nice story and pics!! :D

kiasusam 03-04-2017 02:09 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire

Teren put off dealing with Hot Ben for much longer than I thought he would. In fact, I was well into my fourth month, with an adorably cute baby bump on me, and he still hadn’t done anything about it. His optimism that his friend would come around tore me a little, especially since Ben asked him every time we all four got together, when Halina was going to see him. Ben was starting to get a little worried that the longer it went on, the greater the possibility that she couldn’t help him anymore.

With a harsh swallow at the fact that Ben considered memory loss a “help”, Teren assured him that that wasn’t how it worked. That if she wanted, she could convince him that he didn’t even know his own mother. That line didn’t make Ben appear any more comfortable. He actually looked worse and worse every time I saw him. His normally gorgeous face started thinning out. Deep circles started to appear under his eyes and his skin had the sallow look of someone who woke up every ten minutes at night. He seemed to have been genuinely honest with Teren when he’d told him that he couldn’t sleep anymore.

Tracey didn’t understand the physical or emotional changes in her boyfriend, and had started to do what most women in her case would do. She started to think it was her. We had multiple conversations that involved me assuring her that he was still head over heels in love with her, that he wasn’t liar and he definitely wasn’t a cheater. I was pretty sure she didn’t believe me on that last part, and it didn’t help the matter any that Ben had a habit of asking Teren about Halina right in front of her. Tracey was convinced that her boyfriend was sleeping with the sensual woman. I really couldn’t blame her for coming up with that explanation. Hot Ben was different – moodier and quieter, more introverted, and always looking over his shoulder whenever we went out. I was a little surprised that Tracey hadn’t come up with drugs too, as he was starting to act like some paranoid meth addict.

I felt horrible about the whole thing, especially when Tracey replayed some of their fights to me. They’d never really fought before, and now it was becoming a more and more common thing. Honestly, I was getting a little scared for them, for how long they could make it through this stress, but, stubborn as always, Teren still wouldn’t call Halina.

"Teren, he looks awful. I know you want his support, but you can’t force this.” I sat on the bed rubbing my expanding belly as Teren calmly changed his clothes. He looked at me in the vanity mirror over his dresser, but didn’t answer. I watched his jaw tighten with tension though, and knew him well enough to know that he wanted me to drop this.

I got up off the bed and walked up behind him, slipping my arms around his waist from behind. He’d just taken off his work shirt, and my body shivered a little as I clung to his, the bump of our children touching him before any other part of my torso. He smiled, wrapping one hand over the both of mine and bringing the other around behind himself to slip between us, feeling my stomach. Laying my head on his shoulder, I met eyes with him in the mirror. “You can’t keep avoiding this. It’s cruel to him.”

My irritation with Hot Ben’s choice had faded away as the physical symptoms of his stress had started to show. He really couldn’t handle knowing that the myths were true, and Teren keeping ignorance from him, really was kind of cruel. Teren hung his head, his fingers over my hands on his stomach tightening. “I know,” he whispered. He looked up at me, his eyes almost pleading with me. “I just can’t yet, Emma.”

He didn’t say please, but I could feel the word in the air. He wanted time. He wanted Ben to know, and to eventually find peace with it. I bit my lip, resisting the urge to tell him that Ben would never be okay with the knowledge, and he should just let it go. Teren eventually had to let everyone go…but, right now, he needed this. Plus, as time went by, Ben had actually started talking to Teren about his life. They would sit on our couch, Teren’s face animated as he went over aspects of what he could do. He wasn’t bragging to Hot Ben or anything, he was just relieved to be able to finally tell him the stories he kept bottled up. Like, that one of the rainbows they’d caught last camping trip, he’d heard coming up the stream and had plucked it out with his bare hand while Ben had had his back turned. Or how he knows that the waitress at a bar we frequently go to (since Teren could fake drinking better than he could fake eating) had a major crush on Ben; apparently her heart started racing whenever Ben was near her. Ben listened to all of this with his head in his hands over his knees, looking both intrigued and freaked out.

One of my hands moving to Teren’s shoulder, I rubbed his skin warm and then kissed it. “Okay, but if he keeps asking, you need to do it.” I raised my eyebrow at him pointedly. “For him, if not for you and the others.”

I kissed his shoulder again and then released him. He sighed as we pulled apart and then nodded. Merrily I said, “I’m going to go get a snack.” I grinned and he shook his head at me. I was starting to “snack” on a more and more frequent basis. I rationalised it as I was eating for three, but really, I just loved having an excuse to eat nearly a half gallon of ice cream nightly.

Massaging my protruding stomach again as I walked downstairs, I marveled at how amazing the human body is. Currently, I was incubating two lives inside my own. That was a little miraculous to me. And now that the horrid morning - no, more accurately, “anytime throughout the day” sickness was over with (I hadn’t tossed my cookies in two solid weeks, so I had my fingers crossed), I was feeling pretty good about this pregnancy thing.

My clothes had tightened up on me dramatically once the wedding was over, almost like the two realised that they didn’t need to hide anymore, and they were free to grow like weeds. Teren had taken me shopping for a whole new maternity wardrobe. Yeah, it was as amazingly fun as that sounds! So with a stomach that looked like I’d swallowed a cantaloupe, although Teren would say bowling ball, I reveled in my new incredibly comfortable, super-stretchy, body-concealing clothes (I still hadn’t told Clarice yet).

As I made an obscenely huge bowl of peppermint ice cream and loaded up on the chocolate sauce, I was feeling really, really good about this pregnancy thing. I grabbed my bowl and sat on the couch, flipping on the TV to some reality show that didn’t require any brain cells to follow. I thought enough during the day, I didn’t want to have to do it while relaxing. The creamy goodness hit my tongue and I sighed contently. I smiled, knowing Teren would hear that happy sigh. I liked knowing that he knew when I was happy. And I was frequently happy. Sure, my life was more complicated now, being married to an undead vampire and all, but the underlying emotion I felt every day, was happiness.

I giggled and kicked my feet against the couch cushions like a five year old. Above the noise of the TV, I started hearing a scratching sound. Curious, I set down my ice cream and went to check it out. Walking past the table in the kitchen, I headed to a small hall that held the laundry room and a bathroom. The sharp, clicking noise was coming from the laundry room, so I stepped in there.

I flipped on the switch, but the room was empty. I couldn’t figure out what the sound was at first, but then it happened again and I immediately understood. This room had a door that led to the backyard and Teren had put up a doggy door so his pup could come and go freely. A round laundry basket had been set right in front of the flap, the heavy obstacle overflowing with clothes and impossibly for the collie to push back, effectively trapping him outside. A flash of guilt washed through me that I’d inadvertently blocked Spike’s entrance to our warm home, and I immediately removed the basket, vowing to do better on keeping up with that sort of thing. No one ever mentions that the signing of wedding papers, also commits you to the responsibility of doubled laundry loads. Of course, my husband did make amazing dinners for me, more often than not, so I didn’t complain about it, too much.

kiasusam 03-04-2017 02:11 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Spike immediately bolted into the room, cowering back into a corner. Startled at his odd behaviour, I went over to him, hugging the shaggy coat to me. He nestled into my side and I could feel him lightly shaking. “You okay, boy? Something out there?”

Feeling protective of my step-pet, I walked over to the door and unlocked it, stepping outside onto a small concrete slab. The late January air was chilly and a shiver went through my pajama clad body as I vigorously rubbed my arms, looking over Teren’s sloping lawn. It was a big yard and there were hidden areas with deep shadows and dark, menacing looking trees. As something in the back corner near a garden shed shifted, my heart seized. Then Goldie the neighbor cat hopped up on Teren’s fence and I nearly had a heart attack. Thinking I was beyond stupid at being alone in the backyard, investigating strange things just like Teren had a habit of doing, I hurried back into the house.

I closed the door, securely locking it, and encouraged Spike to follow me into the kitchen to get him something to eat. Teren instantly breezed into the room, a disapproving look on his face. Oh yeah, I guess if he could hear me sighing contently, then he’d also just heard me ask the dog if something had spooked him, and then he’d heard me stupidly go check on what that might be. That really wasn’t too smart of me, and I wouldn’t have been happy if he’d done it. We did need to be more careful than the average husband and wife.

Teren seemed about to scold me, when a strange look suddenly passed over his face and he tilted his head at me. Then he looked over to the hall where the laundry room was and his features shifted to surprise. “Oh,” was all he said.

His face shifting to normal, he came over and squatted down by his dog, ruffling his fur. “Sorry to lock you out, boy.” He grinned and then kissed Spike’s head while Spike thumped his tail noisily.

Confused by his weird reaction, I put my hands on my hips. I’d really been expecting a reprimand; I’d already even prepared my defense, namely that the hormones in my body had temporarily flooded my common sense. “Oh?” I said sarcastically. “That’s it?”

He looked up at me, still smiling, then straightened and kissed my forehead. “Yep.”

He turned to walk away, but I grabbed his t-shirt. “Wait, you can’t just say ‘oh’, all surprised like, and then not explain.” Shaking my head at him, I added, “That’s not proper etiquette.”

He chuckled and raised an eyebrow at me. “I didn’t realise you and me followed the rules of etiquette.”

I slung my arms around his waist, trapping him to me, well, not physically, but symbolically. “Yes, we do. Everyone does to a certain extent.” Smiling, I added, “That’s what keeps us civilised.”

He grinned and leaned in to place a cool kiss along the vein in my neck. “Was I being civilised then, when I bit you last night in that spot that makes you-”

I cut him off, smacking him in the chest. He straightened and chuckled while I sputtered out, “What was ‘oh’?” My cheeks heated from the memory he’d just given me and his thumb traced the flush of color.

“I felt you,” he whispered.

I cocked my head, confused. “You…felt me? What do you mean?”

He slung his arms around me, actually trapping me, and shrugged his shoulders. “When you went outside, I knew it. At first I thought I’d only heard it, but when you came back inside, I realized that I was wrong.” He shrugged. “It was faint, but I’d also felt it.”

I sighed, not understanding his meaning. “I don’t…”

He grinned, twisting me back and forth a little in our embrace. “Like I can feel my family…I felt you. I sensed where you were. I’m doing it right now. I see you, I feel you, I smell you, I hear you…and I can sense you.”

My eyes widened as his meaning hit me. His entire family, well, the vampiric part of it, could sense each other’s locations, like they’d all been low-jacked, or bugged or something. And now apparently, he could sense me too. “How…?”

His eyes drifted to my stomach, bulged between us. “Them.” His eyes went back to mine, joy clear in the pale depths. “I can sense them. Their blood is my blood, my family’s blood.” He squeezed me tighter, a huge smile spreading over his face. “Now that I know what that faint feeling is, it’s very apparent to me, and I think that will only get stronger as they grow.” He chuckled a little. “As long as they are inside you, I’ll know where all three of you are.”

Shocked silenced me. I’d forgotten about that vampiric trait. Well, not necessarily forgot about it, but I certainly never considered that he’d have a bond with the children like that before they were even born. A tiny part of me was jealous at his connection to them, and a tiny part of me was irritated that even more of my privacy was lost. He’d always know where I was now. My mind spinning, I focused on what his bloodline tracking ability meant for our children’s future. “Well, I guess we’ll never have to worry about losing the kids at the mall…”

He chuckled, and held me as tight as my GPS-spouting stomach would allow.

A couple of weeks later, nothing had changed. Well, nothing had changed in the Teren vs. Ben standoff. Plenty of things were changing in my world. For starters, I felt the twins move. At first I thought it was just gas or my stomach rumbling, but one night, when Teren and I were snuggling on the couch watching a movie, I felt a definite and profound kick. Teren looked at my stomach at the same time I did, both of our hands shortly following.

I glanced up at him. “Did you hear that?”

He grinned and nodded, his eyes returning to my tummy. “Yeah, I’ve been hearing movement for awhile now, but that was really distinct.”

A second kick greeted our awaiting hands and we both started laughing, and then I started crying, Teren scooping me into his lap and laughingly kissing away my emotional tears. Once I knew what it felt like, I started feeling those little kicks and squirms all the time. I started to feel less jealous of Teren’s ability to bond with our children pre-birth, and started relishing my connection to them. He may be able to sense them and hear them in ways that I couldn’t, but I was the one keeping them alive.

Teren started becoming more conscious of that too. In a move that actually didn’t please me, he stopped feeding off me. A week after we’d both felt them kicking, I’d tried to get him to bite me. I’d never had to really try before, not since that very first bite, and it was a little irritating to me to have to beg for it. He worried his lip as he stared at his favourite vein in my neck that I was offering him, and slowly shook his head, his eyes betraying the fact that he wanted to be piercing my skin more than anything.

"Why not?” I said breathlessly. “I can wear that nice turtleneck you bought me for a few days.”

kiasusam 03-04-2017 02:18 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
スタイル自慢の痴女三姉妹が僕ひとりを奪い合う朝から晩までハメまくりハーレム同棲性活 (ブルーレイディスク)

メーカー: エスワン ナンバーワンスタイル

レーベル: S1 NO.1 STYLE

ジャンル: お姉さん巨乳美少女痴女Blu-ray(ブルーレイ)

出演者: 星野ナミ湊莉久美竹すず

{cast}: Hoshino Nami, Minato Riku, Mitake Suzu

Tag: pretty girl, Big tits, slut, slut






opukimara 03-04-2017 05:00 PM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
Nice story bro, thanks!! :)

kiasusam 04-04-2017 08:54 AM

Re: Impregnated by Vampire
With a sigh, he sat back on his heels, still kneeling over me, just below my hips where my growing belly didn’t get in the way. He shook his head, his eyes instantly going to that belly that was getting larger and larger as I now rolled into the halfway point, the 20th week. The doctor said they were growing wonderfully, and every blood draw or pee test I’d taken had showed no inherent dangers to them. Personally, I wasn’t worried about me passing anything dangerous to them, I knew exactly what condition they were going to end up with, but it was a comforting thing for a doctor to say anyway. We had an intensive ultrasound scheduled in two weeks - the big one - the one where they could tell the sexes. We hadn’t decided if we wanted to know or not.

Teren put a cold hand on my naked belly, his chilly fingers automatically eliciting a response from the twins. I don’t know if they sensed his temperature, even through the layers of skin and fluid separating them, or if they just sensed that Dad was near, but they almost always kicked or moved when he touched me like that. A slow smile broke out on his face, a face full of wonder and love, as his hand circled the now watermelon-like stomach.

“I can’t. I shouldn’t,” he whispered. I tried to sit up, but failed in getting around my belly. He looked back up at me struggling to get closer to him, and shifted his position to lie beside me. I rolled onto my side and put a hand on his bare, silent chest, still subtly exposing my neck to him. His eyes drifted over to what I offered, but he shook his head again. “It’s not mine anymore, Emma.” His eyes came back to mine, content and committed. “You are supporting three lives with that precious blood.” He took my wrist and placed a kiss along the crisscross of veins just under the surface, his eyes closing as my pulse vibrated across his lips. “I won’t let you support a fourth.” He opened his eyes and smiled at me. “I have plenty of other ways to get fresh blood.”

I frowned at that, but knew full well he meant an animal. Teren would never bite another human, and not just because he couldn’t erase the event from them like Halina could. No, he would never bite another human because that would almost be like he was cheating on me. The act of drawing blood was a surprisingly intimate one, and I’d be devastated if he ever touched another girl that way. He knew that and would never hurt me like that. So no, my frown wasn’t over fear that he’d “stray”, my frown was because…well, I liked it.

He smiled as he followed my thought process. “After they are born, I will drain you until you pass out, but not right now, okay?” He grinned playfully and squeezed my bloated body tight to his.

I sighed, then smiled and kissed him softly. “Fine…but you better.”

He laughed and then rolled me on top of him. I had to bend over my stomach to still kiss him, but I managed. “You’re so kinky,” he whispered through increasingly heated kisses. I laughed huskily, my hormonal body quickly igniting at the seductive, half naked man pinned underneath me.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” I whispered right back at him, a low groan escaping him at hearing my words. Then I proceeded to show him just how “kinky” my hormone driven body could be.

After those changes, the next biggest shift in my life was work. Eventually my expanded body was too much for me to hide, especially since my clothes before had always kind of highlighted my figure; me switching to baggy clothes had tipped off some of the more observant girls that worked there. Not Clarice though, she didn’t clue in until she caught me absentmindedly stroking my stomach one day. Then her jowly jaw had dropped, and I swear her face went a ghostly shade of white.

“God, are you pregnant?” She asked that like I had some sort of infectious disease. She almost looked like she wanted to put her hand over her mouth and nose as a precaution.

Stopping myself from rolling my eyes or laughing at her response, I threw on a bright smile and calmly said, “Well, I was going to tell you this when I was a bit further along, (say, nine months along), but I guess you should know as soon as possible.” Just to see her reaction, I lifted my shirt and showed her my stretched beyond natural tummy. “Yes, Teren and I are expecting. Twins, actually,” I tossed in for good measure.

Her reaction was pure gold. Her mouth dropped even wider and she went slightly green. Shaking her head, she backed away from my stomach like she was witnessing that scene from the movie Alien. You know, the scene where the creature bursts out of the person’s body, leaving a bloody, gory mess behind. As she stared at my skin in horror, I swear that’s what she expected to happen. “Why would you do that, Emma?”

Her shocked eyes lifted to mine as I frowned and covered my body again. “We want children,” I said, a little defensively.

Shaking her head, her eyes looked at me like I’d just set a match to a winning lottery ticket. “Oh, you had such potential here. I was really thinking you’d take over for me, one day.” She shook her head sadly, her thick neck barely allowing the movement.

I bristled at that. “I’m not leaving. I can have children and a career.”

The corner of her lip lifted in a smirk. “That’s what they all say.” She sighed. “When is D-Day?”

My lips turning down, my momentary high dulled, I sullenly said, “June 26th.”

She sighed, mentally ticking off how much time she had left with me, then she turned and waddled back to her office, probably to call the temp agency and have them start looking for my replacement. Irritating woman. Once again I thought Tracey was on to something, and Teren’s family should just buy the company for me. Clarice wouldn’t seem so high and mighty if this pregnant chick was suddenly her boss.

The last biggest change in my life happened not long after Clarice discovered my secret. The last biggest change sort of changed a lot for me, especially how I looked at my husband. In one day, he was brought down a peg in my eyes.

Tracey and I were having a leisurely cup of coffee at a local shop in town. Well, she was having coffee; I was still sticking to hot chocolate. It was mid-morning on a Saturday and the place was starting to pick up. We sat on luxuriously padded chairs in deep crimson and gold fabric. They could have just as easily been in a medieval throne room as a coffee shop. I sighed and relaxed back onto the exquisite chair and glanced around the space while Tracey went over her Hot Ben woes. Contemporary music played softly in the background as dim lighting was suspended over other groups of plush chairs, most in sets of two or three, just perfect for relaxing with a friend or two.

Most of the people who already had their beverages, were sitting in those fancy seats, looking as comfortable as I felt. An older man with a head of thick, dark hair, that any twenty year old guy would die to still have at his age, was having a pleasant conversation with a woman who looked about half his age. Yet again, something twenty year olds would probably love to have at his age.

Just behind where the older man was resting his hand on the woman’s knee, I could just make out a pair of forty-something women, eyeing the man contemptuously. They whispered heated conversations as they glared at the woman, not the man, and I thought that perhaps they had each lost a beloved to a younger woman. I hoped that when I reached their age, Teren didn’t come to regret his decision to marry me. I immediately discounted that though. What we had went far beyond physical looks.

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